This will make you vulnerable, which is not a good thing in relationships or careers. I hope you've enjoyed this article. What makes a lady become of high value to a man? 1. She fully grasps how it is not just about what you say but also how you speak and communicate with others. You think that taking charge of your life is something thats easy to do. She is completely content with the life she is leading. She would love her people unconditionally and try to ensure that they are taken care of. You dont have to be like that. When expressing her emotions and thoughts vocally, she does not hesitate. Being a high-value woman is all about having good listening skills. If you dont, you should understand that high-value women need to be able to balance their time between work, family, and play. If you learn, teach.". Heroic men are always more fascinating. If they dont feel that way, then they wont talk with. Now you probably wonder how youre going to do that. CLICK HERE to find out with this specially crafted 9 Question Quiz! A lot of people tend to think a high value woman is proud and too much - but you must never listen to these people. Have you ever wondered why people in our modern society talk so much about growth and development? When you date with no fear and with the feeling that you will be OK no matter what, then you naturally transmit this and the guy automatically regards you as someone rare and special. They are not necessarily the most beautiful, but their beauty radiates from the inside, built upon self-confidence and self-esteem. She expects respect and won't tolerate just any disrespect. She does not operate from a place of lack or fear or neediness. A high-value woman leads a happy life. Thats why she has so much power and influence in the world today. Her value is what makes her attractive and appealing to people. To be a high-value woman, you need to live a balanced lifestyle. She teaches other women not to engage in behaviors that will sell them short. She doesn't feel jealous or insecure when others do well and shares their wins as if they were her own. She doesnt bother with distractions or things that do not align with her purpose. Always remember: you must never give in to these men no matter how persuasive they are. Hence, when she falls, she will rise again strengthened. Take care of it. 2. #1 Be Powerful But Stay Feminine A lot of women mistake being powerful for being masculine and aggressive. They don't need anyone's approval as long as they know they're speaking their truth. This is one of the reasons why she keeps getting better, and it is one of the most admirable high-value woman examples. She loves her body and pays extra attention to it. So here's the Highest Value Trait Of All (or HVTA): The ONLY trait you should ever look for in a woman is this: She should be EMOTIONALLY ADDICTED to you. And thats why high-value women are able to easily dismiss any fears or concerns that their men may have in life. 1. Have you ever met a high-value woman? But guess what? So much that she'd never, ever leave you for any other guy. When they are at crossroads, they take ample time to decide what would work best. If she discovers that she is wrong, she tries her best to make amends for it and learn from her mistakes. 2022byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. She accepts love when it is the right one at the right time. She puts up healthy boundaries in her dating life, making sure she is never disrespected in any of her relationships. When you learn how to listen more and have people like and respect you more, then youll be able to build better relationships with other people. Heres how she shows she is fierce and unrelenting: CLICK here to Learn the ONE thing you can say to ANY man that will capture his attention, trigger his curiosity and make him hang onto every word you say! She provides inspiration, support, and empowerment in the form of motivational articles and essays. She respects what her heart feels and doesnt lash out on her man for making her feel that way. Which means what? 1. High-value women are experts at allotting the right time for each important aspect of their lives. But guess what? A high value woman always looks for high value traits in a man. This turns it into a negative trait instead of one that reels a man in. She takes the time to choose what she takes in, and is wise with what she gives out. you should never compromise your values and boundaries to please people. If you want to be a high-value woman, then youll have to learn how to listen to other people and care about what they have to say. A woman of high value deeply respects and loves herself and will not accept anything less. Be happy in your own life. Parentification: Causes, signs, effects and more, 15 Marriage Goals for a Healthy and Lasting Relationship, What To Do When You Feel No Emotional Connection With Your Husband, According to Zodiac Signs: the 3 Best Women to Marry, How To Connect With A Man On An Emotional Level, The Role of Romance in a Relationship and its Importance, How Important Is Intimacy in a Relationship, Feeling No Emotional Connection With Your Husband, How to Get Back Together After Separation, 6 Ways to Tell if Someone is Lying About Cheating, 5 Signs That You Are Living in a Toxic Marriage, 7 Important Tips to Build Trust in a Relationship, 10 Effective Communication Skills for Healthy Marriages, 20 Signs of a Married Man in Love With Another Woman. isYTTikTok = 0; Limerence vs. Love: Whats the Difference? var isYTTikTok = 1; Nato is a writer and a researcher with an academic background in psychology. In fact, vulnerability actually teaches you how to be a high value woman by helping you see the power of honesty and openness. After all, she is the one who makes all the decisions in her life and never lets others creep into her life. When you're able to relax and enjoy whatever life gives you with a grain of salt and gratitude, this makes you a treasure as this is a very rare quality among women. She knows and is certain that she is complete and worthy, with or without romantic love. Its your default identity and not something you need to prove you are. In fact, a lot of people are attempting to eliminate their appearance from the equation when it comes to being a high-value woman. As a high value woman, youll come across many men that will call you uptight because youre not willing to settle for the barest minimum theyre giving. She doesn't demean herself by staying in toxic relationships. jsTikTok.src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? Because these two aspects of themselves are what make them high-value women. Traits of High Value Women . As psychologists suggest, social intelligence is a key to success in modern society. A high-value man is full of ambitions. If you want to build strong relationships with other people, then youll have to learn how to be a great friend. Although a high-value man may not ask a woman what she brings to the table, he is most likely . She stops those who plan to take advantage of her at work and speaks out when she doesnt agree with something thats happening around her. We as human beings live in hierarchies. A high valued woman knows how she needs to be treated. A high value woman knows her worth and sets standards to meet them. 4. Men are drawn to high-value women the same way bees are attracted to honey. (All the answers you seek about him lie within these 8 questions. They are aware of toxic relationship warning signs and don't ignore them. And, while sex is important to her, she will not hesitate to dump a low-value guy who is a player. She is not like other people who may present herself as something that she is not. Also, she does not make them feel less of themselves if they make a mistake because she will correct them in love. She pays attention to her feelings and expresses them honestly. Dating and Relationship courses I recommend: ( Men psychology ) His secret obsession: . A high value woman does not live to impress others. I bet you know that shes one of the most successful women in the world, right? This is why she avoids negative people because their energy will affect hers. Instead, she dresses in what makes her feel good on the day, and so shes her own fashion inspiration. She does not look down on anybody because she knows what it would be like if she were in their shoes. Making Money: Earn a minimum of $10,000 per month. You cant grow or be the most empathetic version of yourself if youre still immature. Theyre better able to stand up for themselves and not let other peoples opinions affect them. jsTikTok.async = true; Related: How To Show A Guy That You're High Value. Theyll feel like theyre not good enough for you. If they have these 4 S's they are stable, able to self-regulate in a healthy way, able to self . He Has Ambitions And Drive. Like one high-value woman, Maya Angelou, once said - "If you get, give. Being a high-value woman is all about self-worth. By mate value, I mean the . A woman who knows her self-worth and values herself is very appealing to quality man. jsTikTok.type = 'text/javascript'; CLICK here to Learn The One Missing Key to Becoming A High Value Woman Whom Men Adore! In order to be successful in life, you have to learn how to make the right decisions for yourself and others. They'll find a way to balance being humorous while demanding respect. Visible and verifiable. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the same thing goes with your relationships too! In fact, she doesnt need love and is not actively finding it. And why is this important? RELATED:10 Traits Guys Look For In A Girlfriend. If so, you should probably know that theyre confident and happy with themselves. Therefore, she is focused on her goal to ensure that she leaves an indelible mark behind. Rather, she enjoys her life. Therefore, she does this meticulously when it is time to delegate tasks. A high-value woman carries herself as a woman of value to motivate other women to stand up for themselves. Youll never hear her say that something happened because of this or that she says what happened, analyzes the situation at its foundation, and makes a plan of how she will move forward and learn a lesson from it all. in the online study program High Value Mindsets. Because she is sick of giving people chances and the benefit of the doubt only to be fooled. Maybe she behaves incorrectly or makes the wrong decision; its bound to happen sometime. A high-value woman knows that ignorance is a disease, and when she stops learning, it is disadvantageous. Do you often find yourself getting ahead of the game when you are attracted to a man, already envisioning what the future will look like if you end up being married? Unlike other women who rely on other things for validation and happiness, a high-value woman usually gets her happiness from within. 1. Mindful men attract women for their quick responses, spontaneous escape to a situation, or a good sense of humor. This will make it easier for you to get the things in life that you want, like relationships, jobs, promotions, and more. In terms of expressing her femininity on the outside - she never tries to imitate someone elses style or become someone else. However, most women dont know what they are good at, or what they are not so good at. What Should You Never Do As A High Value Woman? Theyre able to help other people out at any time when they need it the most. Here are some specific steps to follow to become a high-value woman that is able to meet and be with a high-value man. Women may attract some people because of their physical assets like physical features that make them appear alluring. One of the signs she is a high-value woman is her ability to delegate duties so that none will lag. Turns out, shes very authentic. She does not create a faade to hide from them. If you feel disconnected or frustrated about the state of your marriage but want to avoid separation and/or divorce, the course meant for married couples is an excellent resource to help you overcome the most challenging aspects of being married. Love is abundant and she is happy. Theyll feel like theyre not good enough for you and wont want to be your friend. Instead, she allows people to know that she has some weaknesses that she is working on. CLICK HERE to find out with this specially crafted quiz! Hence, she keeps upgrading herself in different aspects of life. But lets be honest. Making the right decisions, whether its about work or relationships, is very important. Her self esteem is not dependent on the approval of other people. var tiktokscr = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; She has total control and awareness over her emotions, being vulnerable and independent at the same time. You have to be able to provide them with the tools and resources that they need in order to be successful. He is thoughtful and intentional, especially when it comes to relationships. She ensures that even though her opinions are correct, she still listens to what others say. Additionally, a high-value woman likes to take a. because she needs it to re-strategize and come back stronger. She cares about his happiness as much as hers, but most of all she doesn't need him to be happy. They dont want to take care of their appearance because they think that it will make them less attractive. Most of us just havent unraveled it yet. Theyll feel like theyre not good enough for you and wont want to be your friend. One of the admirable habits of a high-value woman is her interest in training other people to be of high value. If you dont know how to be honest about who you are, then it will be very difficult for you to build strong connections with other people in life. Because of this, the high-value man doesn't expect the woman in his life to be his cook, maid, nanny, or minder. She lets her intuition guide her and values her emotions. Hence, she strives to show positivity even amid doubt and negative energy. A high value woman understands and maximises the above feminine energy traits. A high-value woman is someone self-conscious of who she is. This is why she is usually self-driven and motivated to achieve anything she sets out to do. One of the traits of high-value women is that they know when to speak out. And this is why many high-value women are listened to by others and respected by others. She makes her opinion known and backs her claims with facts. Your positive influence needs to overflow and impact those around you. She is not in love with the idea of love, needing to be in love to be and feel complete. This will make it easier for you to be successful in your career and relationships because other people will take care of things for you. You will find her implementing healthy habits like eating a nutritious diet, sleeping regularly, working out, etc. Listen to opinions that contradict your own with curiosity, and try to avoid feeling threatened by opposing opinions. finding inspiration. Want to have a happier, healthier marriage? TIKTOK - https. How this applies to you as a high value woman. Admit it. Maybe its because you compare yourself with everyone, or even if its because you compare yourself with just one person. She takes breaks when necessary. They give their partner every chance to have an equal say in the relationship. You see, when it comes down to it, being a good listener can be one of the most important skills in life. And this is why theyre highly regarded by others. She doesnt let guys treat her any less than she deserves, which is like a queen. 5. She doesnt demean herself by staying in toxic relationships. If this is the case, then it would be a good idea to work on boosting your confidence. They are focused on getting things done, and they dont like being held down by malice. And because of that, she won't let anyone in her life who doesn't do the same. And when it comes to both of these things, high-value women can love unconditionally. It is important for her to set and honor boundaries in every area of her life especially her relationships. Are you aware of the fact that many people who dont have high self-esteem are often very sensitive to the opinions of others? She is focused and devoted. RELATED:6 Physical Traits Men Subconsciously Want Most In A Woman. She dreams to create an uplifting documentary one day, inspired by her experiences with strangers. If you are not sure of your worth, you won't be able to demand respect from others. Don't Obsess Over Your Relationship, Enjoy It! As a high value woman, you should never compromise your values and boundaries to please people. you can say to ANY man that will capture his attention, trigger his curiosity and make him hang onto every word you say! If you have asked questions like what a high-value woman is, one thing you must know is that she is goal-driven. Shes not shy to admit that shes tired. There are women that stood out from the rest. She is not ashamed of her femininity, instead she appreciates it. A high value woman wasnt born that way; she got to be where she is by consistently trying to grow in intelligence, experience, and as a person overall. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"iYydjvgHgX8Zt19RTkvoJiZ7F4u6hsZ8fA8da0jeopU-1800-0"}; Balance in Relationships, Life, and Everything In-between, If you want to be a high-value woman, one of the traits you need to learn is, 4 Tips to Be a Better Listener in a Relationship- Why It Matters, Therefore, if it were within her power, she would give everyone a fair playing ground. QUIZ TIME: Is your man serious about committing to you? 2. Being authentic is one of the most important things that youll need in order to have a good life. This is one of the skills that you will need to be successful. Being a high-value woman is all about self-worth. She is self-assured and can make her own decisions Therefore, she tries her best not to be a copycat or duplicate version of anybody. . When it comes to knowing your worth as a woman, it involves not giving up. Discover how you too can use this little known "Dark Feminine Art" to weed out the toxic men whilst cultivating real emotional attraction with high value high esteemed men. If she needs to burn the bridge with such people, she will do it. She is cognizant of the problems of people and lends help in the simplest of ways possible - listening patiently, withholding judgment, or words of affirmation. She looks her best at all times, and not just because she has a man or is seeking one. Many women dont know their worth, which is a big problem when it comes to relationships and careers. Do you know that self-esteem is one of the most important skills that you can learn in life? A high value woman is the un-messwithable woman people love and respect because she embodies value and grace. It motivates other people to be happy with themselves. You have to be selfish to a certain degree if you want life to work out well for you. Sensitivity toward others is one of the best qualities of a high-value woman. That's how you become a high value. When was the last time you had a conversation with someone that didnt involve at least one of the following emotions? So high-value women understand that they need to learn how to solve their problems before they can become successful. A high value woman believes it's not worth chasing after someone who is not investing in her and making efforts to see her and spend time with her. On the contrary, he loves to see you flourish. If you dont know how to use your energy for good, then it will be very difficult for you to build strong connections with other people in life. Trait # 1 - She Exudes Femininity Trait # 2 - She Has Self Confidence Trait # 3 - She Is a Social Butterfly Trait # 4 - She Takes Pride in Maintaining Her Appearance and Health Trait # 5 - She Genuinely Cares About Other People Trait # 6 - She Oozes Positivity Trait # 7 - She Has Healthy Romantic Relationships. And, it's not easy to be the 'mean' girl, sitting there, evaluating whether he is a high value man or not. Such women have usually spent time working to be the best version of themselves by maintaining a high self-esteem. As a woman, she is confident and has a healthy self-worth. She is the perfect combination of soft and feminine, as well as strong and purpose-driven. She teaches other women not to engage in behaviors that will sell them short. One of the traits of a high-value woman is that she is a true feminist. Photo element: Clker-Free-Vector via Canva, RELATED:10 Traits Men Find Most Attractive Upon First Meeting A Woman. High-value women know that they are not successful alone, and that other's successes are also cause for celebration. You need to learn how to spend your time in the right way so that you can enjoy life and be successful in everything that you do. You see, being honest about who you are is one of the most important things that youll need to have in order to have a good life. Time is one's most valuable commodity, as the saying goes, 'you can always make more money but you can't make more time'. RELATED:The 5 Traits *Truly* Magnetic Women Use To Attract Sweet, Chivalrous Men. familiarise yourself with the traits of a high value woman. She has the maturity to be upfront about it. Hence, they will not allow the words of anybody to put them down. After the delegation, she doesnt leave her subordinates to themselves. Heres how you can send the message (through your behaviour) that you are open minded and not judgemental: Femininity is a set of attributes and behaviours generally associated with women and girls. A high value woman knows her strengths and works with them. One of her ultimate goals is for the world to be united in purpose when it comes to positivity. Check out: How to love yourself and be confident. Therefore, if it were within her power, she would give everyone a fair playing ground. RELATED:10 Common Sense Things Men Should Do Way More In Relationships To Make Women Happy. As such, a high value woman is purpose driven and not pressure driven. As soon as she notices disrespect and abuse, she walks away or addresses it as the occasion demands. Similarly, when it comes to requesting something that will be beneficial to her, she is always bold to speak her mind. Mystery is what keeps relationships new. And by that, I mean she should be totally, completely HOOKED on you. When a relationship is over, she can walk away without drama, even if the man is the first one to ghost away. Then you may want to start learning how to be a good listener. RELATED:The One Personality Trait In Both Men And Women That Makes People Incredibly Attracted To Them. If you want to be a high-value woman, one of the traits you need to learn is good listening skills. What does it mean to have maturity as a high value woman? But wait. A high-value woman knows that the world will be a better place with the joint efforts of other high-value people. You cant just do something because its what you think they want you to do. Youll find her reading, networking, traveling, nurturing her relationships, taking classes, and pursuing new hobbies she has always had an interest in. Because being a high-value woman is all about being confident in your appearance. Have you ever heard the saying looks dont matter? 6. If you dont know how to do this yet, then it will be very difficult for you to build strong connections with other people in life. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. Why? Here's how she adds value to the lives of others, and in the process showing that she is a high value woman: A high value woman understands that her self worth is not tied to her relationship status or her account balance but rather, the value she adds. Such women are staunch believers that you can fix anything that is broken. //