How does food insecurity affect the environment? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Coastal erosion is the loss or displacement of land, or the long-term removal of sediment and rocks along the coastline due to the action of waves, currents, tides, wind-driven water, waterborne ice, or other impacts of storms. (See figure below for an example of a large landslide on the Norfolk coast). A Level Geography OCR A Level Geography Coastal Landscapes Coastal Landscapes This topic is included in A Level Component 1 for OCR Geography. Soft engineering uses ecological principles and practices, which have less of a negative impact on the natural environment. The Barrier Reef became a marine park in 1975 and was designated a World Heritage site in 1981 (Dove et al, 2009). 9 - SMPs decide the best course of action for coastlines. Required to compensate people who lose buildings and farmland. LEDC coastal management Water levels projected to rise between 7.6 and 10.2 cm each decade. The current coastal management plan is to hold the line at Hornsea. How reliable are economic indicators of development? All of our geography case studies in one place. Slanted structures made from concrete, wood or rocks along a cliff. Figure 4 Photo showing cliff slumping at Sidestrand, Norfolk. This will mean eventually that Happisburgh will be at the mercy of the sea and by 2105 a substantial amount of land, businesses and properties will be lost (ibid). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Introduction. Digital Coast Trainings - NOAA Office for Coastal Management This paper is objective in nature (100 MCQs in 2 hours). Its 100% free. What does no active intervention mean in terms of an SMP? Strategies have to take into account the following: To achieve this, the following options are available. Holderness Coast Case Study - Weebly Requires maintenance and can be expensive. {date accessed 16/06/10}, {date accessed 19/06/10}, {date accessed 19/06/10}, {date accessed 19/06/10}, {dare accessed 20/06/10}, {date accessed 20/06/10}, {date accessed 20/06/10}, Dove, J et al, OCR Geography A2, (2009), Heinmann, Harlow. Before any management strategy is adopted, a Cost-Benefit analysis is done. The exposed chalk of Flamborough provides examples of erosion, features such as caves, arches and stacks. As the negative impacts of many shoreline management plans (SMP) have become evident, sustainable integrated approaches are becoming more widely used. What is conflict in the context of coastal management? This is where all coastline elements (land, water, people, and the economy) are managed with one integrated strategy. This essay will look at three areas in the world where the management of the coastline is paramount to prevent further erosion and destruction of valuable ecological regions. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Sulawesi, Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami 2018, Almera, Spain: a large-scale agricultural development, Sustainable food supplies in an LIC Bangladesh, How can the growth of tourism reduce the development gap? The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Prevents cliff erosion as it absorbs wave energy. The coastline needs to be managed to protect against increasing coastal erosion, flooding and sea-level changes. This has caused much controversy within the local community who stand to lose their homes and livelihoods with this policy. Identify your study strength and weaknesses. Create a more consistent water level that can be used for hydroelectricity. Q1 Give brief details of the evolution of Human Geography through the corridors of time. Prevents longshore drift, flooding, and erosion. Can create a strong backwash. Each question is of 2 marks. Two Earthquakes Compared Nepal and LAquila, Lombok Indonesia Earthquake 2018 Case Study, 2018 Sulawesi Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami Case Study. These are holistic strategies; it is recognised that all the different sections of the coastline are interlinked and function together as a whole. Hard engineering techniques are typically used to protect coastal settlements. They also interfere with longshore drift to such an extent that beaches further down the coast are starved of the sediment they need, leading to increased erosion. The beach is made wider by using sand and shingle. Coastal management is effective in that whichever method is chosen as a management approach protects homes and businesses from being damaged and even destroyed by coastal erosion or flooding. If not dealt with this water would encourage rock and sediments to slide to the cliff bottom. In addition, the size, strength and height of the individual structures are usually large, and the transportation cost of the materials involved in the construction is high. . A shoreline management plan is a document which examines the risks associated with coastal processes and presents a policy to manage those risks. If you've found the resources on this site useful please consider making a secure donation via PayPal to support the development of the site. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a revetment? Hold the line - this is when coastal defences are built or maintained to protect a coastline against the impacts of sea level rise and . An understanding of coastal management strategies is a requirement of all A level specifications. GREAT - Imperial College London Scholarship. High level of poverty and inequality (90% of wealth is controlled by 15% of the population). Study Notes: Coastal Systems & Landscapes Revision for A-Level Coastal Environments CPD Erosional Landforms, Coastal Management and Fieldwork on the Holderness Coast, Coastal Environments CPD Erosional Erosion, Coastal Management, Deposition and Fieldwork on the Holderness Coast, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Internet Geography Plus Terms and Conditions. Resources to support this topic can be found below. 1 The following are the four major types of coasts in coastal landscapes: 1.1 Rias Coasts. Over 10 million students from across the world are already learning smarter. Definition. GCSE Geography Study Group 2022-2023; Edexcel A Level Geography Paper 1 9GE0 01 - 27 May 2022 [Exam Chat] A-level Geography Study Group 2022-2023; Does anyone know the 20 markers for the Geography 2022 papers; AQA Geography 2022 paper; Does anyone know the 20 & 9 markers for the Geography 2022 papers; flood management method case studies . How many sediment cells and SMP's are there in the UK? Hard: Sea walls, Rock armour, Promenade Groynes Lyme Regis Case Study - Case Study, Coastal Management: Lyme Regis Fortunately, the UK has frameworks in place for dealing with coastal management. North Norfolk is a very good example of an area where the coast in under constant threat from erosion. Boulders were put in front of the sea wall to give it more protection and the beach was replenished with extra sand. However the council maintain that the high cost involved in holding the line is not justified by their cost/benefit analysis ( Fig. Download File Ocean Zones Key Study Guide Pdf File Free - pienso.caracoltv Create and find flashcards in record time. What is migration and why do people migrate? Will you pass the quiz? No active intervention means that it permits natural systems to modify the coastline as they are currently operating. PDF Managing Land Sea Interactions: Case Studies of Coastal Governance in Sand and shingle must be sourced from somewhere else, usually by dredging. Managed realignment - Geographical Association Low-lying coastal areas are high-risk areas regarding sea-level rise (SLR) due to the combination of low elevation, subsidence and currently low sediment supply, on the one hand, and their high natural and socio-economic values, on the other. Employing the ideal gas model with k=1.4k=1.4k=1.4 for the air, determine (a) the work developed by the turbine, in kJ\mathrm{kJ}kJ per kg\mathrm{kg}kg of air flowing, and (b) the temperature at the exit, in K. Ignore kinetic and potential energy effects. Geography Case Studies All of our geography case studies in one place Coastal Erosion Use the images below to find out more about each case study. Activities are dependent on the type of zone and the park is patrolled to enforce the zoning, with penalties being imposed if the regulations are violated (ibid). What are some coastal management strategies? Global climate change and coastal tourism : recognizing problems Following these devastating floods, a sea wall was built to prevent further erosion to the sand dunes and groynes were placed at Eccles to trap sediment and conserve the beach. It can have a stepped or bullnose profile. Upload unlimited documents and save them online. The Isle of Wight has65 milesof spectacular coastline, 28 miles of which are designated Heritage Coast. 1) Abrasion - The waves are carrying material which is thrown into the cliff at high speed. the management of the coast must be sustainable. To achieve this, the following are taken into consideration: This takes place before any coastal management takes place. Not Subscribed Subscribe to A Level Geography to access 600+ resources, plus 18 new Factsheets each year. Can create erosion further down the coast. Therefore, their only impact is to change where erosion is occurring. Apologies for the terrible sound! Coastal Ecosystem Assessment with an Integrated Approach to Land and Why are deserts located along the tropics? Or soft engineering, which works with nature, using natural materials, or allowing nature to take back areas. This means coastal defences will be maintained and replaced to protect the town. The Holderness Coast Case Study - Internet Geography Protecting India's Coastline: Odisha - World Bank Modern sea walls are designed to dissipate wave energy. Human beings, plants and animals all use the coastline for different things. Coastal management must be sustainable; any strategy adopted must not cause unnecessary damage to the environment, people's homes and livelihood and should not cost too much. They effectively prevent erosion in the desired area, but they are expensive and have a significant environmental impact due to the use of concrete and other artificial materials. Beach nourishment is where the sediment lost through erosion is replaced. Case study - Dorset coastline - Coastal landforms - AQA - GCSE Geography Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize GCSE AQA Coastal landforms Erosional landforms include headlands, bays, caves, arches,. What is the impact of humans on the Taiga? So, in order to manage the reef, a zoning programme has been implemented. How is a cold environment interdependent? Explain a sea wall in regards to coastal engineering? What are the main hazards generated by volcanic activity? Studying with Academic Integrity. 1 / 10. 2.1 IMAGE SOURCES: Coastal land lies between the sea and the mainland. Difficulty level: Moderate. How have animals adapted to the rainforest environment? This programme prepares students for entry-level occupations, and equips them with the knowledge, skills and values needed to contribute to sustainable development. What is the impact of humans on the savanna? Key Demand of the question: To write about India's priority with respect to Africa in its foreign policy and the major areas of cooperation. -Tidal action: primary natural process shaping the distinctive coastal landscape; a dense network of river channels flows across the clay and silt fluvial deposits. Coastal Protection and Management - Hard Engineering - A Level Geography Exam-style Questions | S-cool, the revision website Sustainability | Free Full-Text | An Integrated Model for Constructing Conflict often exists between different stakeholders, such as residents and the local council. Business Studies. 2: Groynes at Mundesley in Norfolk, UK. 1.5 Coastal Management. There are 11 sediment cells in England and Wales. Coasts Investigate processes, landforms and management strategies for coasts using the links below. What is the impact of humans on the desert? Geography. Stop procrastinating with our study reminders. Download Cost Benefit Studies Of Natural Resource Management In Constructing ecological networks is considered a critical strategy to reconnect habitats, restore ecosystems and improve ecological capacity. Test your knowledge with gamified quizzes. A Level regeneration case studies. What is the structure of the Temperate Deciduous Woodland? Land use in coastal area includes tourism, fishing, industry and transport. The sediment cells are closed for the purposes of management, although there will be some exchanges between the different sediment cells. This varied coastline is one of the Islands main assets. What are the three critical factors of an ICZM? They can have a step or bullnose profile. Modern sea walls are designed to dissipate, not reflect, wave energy. What are Mumbais social and economic opportunities? In the case of humans, we use the coastline for agriculture, for fishing, for industry and power generation, for transport routes and for land upon which to live. Coastal Management Case Study A Level Geography | Top Writers 4.7/5 Dr.Jeffrey (PhD) #4 in Global Rating Plagiarism report You are free to order a full plagiarism PDF report while placing the order or afterwards by contacting our Customer Support Team. Because of this, there is a growing need to assess the integrated impact of SLR taking into account the interactions between physical and ecological . (6 marks) Camber Sands teaching resource. Book Description This book applies cost-benefit analysis techniques in the management of environment and natural resources in developing countries of the Southeast Asian region and presents a compendium of studies conducted by researchers supported by the Economy and . Case study - Happisburgh, England - BBC Bitesize It usually involves extreme locations in terms of tides and waves; this inevitably makes construction difficult. See our A-Level Essay Example on Walton on the Naze, Coastal Landforms now at Marked By Teachers. Groups who may have an interest in how the coast is managed would include; local residents, local councils, landowners, governments, environmental bodies and national park authorities. -Lack of fresh water for drinking and irrigation, as fresh water is diverted from the rivers for irrigation use further upstream. Hard & Soft Engineering Coastal Management Case Studies. 1 - Sea wall on the Isle of Wight, UK. Low cost. How has the vegetation in the temperate deciduous forest adapted to the climate? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". What challenges have been caused by urban growth in Mumbai? We're available through e-mail, live chat and Facebook. This is where all stakeholders have a say in any policy decisions. A Level Geography - Coastal Case Studies (Holderness, Coastal Feature Use the images below to find out more about each case study. They are similar to a sea wall but more sloping. The areas that this essay will use as case studies are; the Great Barrier Reef in Eastern Australia, Happisburgh in Norfolk and Southampton Water in Hampshire. Universitt Basel PGC . Coastal management can be put into the four categories: By recreating a naturally functioning shoreline we free ourselves from the 'sea defence cycle' of construct, fail and reconstruct. Where there are gaps, it means coastal defences are present and working. This varied coastline is one of the Islands main assets. 1. Awesome A-Level Coastal Landforms Essays & Coursework Examples that have been Marked by Teachers and Peers allowing for the best possible results. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Extreme weather in the UK Beast from the East, Extreme Weather in the UK Summer Heatwave 2018. Air at 1175K,81175 \mathrm{~K}, 81175K,8 bar enters a turbine operating at steady state and expands adiabatically to 1 bar. A Level Geography Specifications 600+ resources covering all major UK and International Exam Boards Choose Exam Board 2023 Geography New Geography Factsheets added in 2023 Explore More Free Downloads Plans for 2022/2023 Free Sample - Loss of Rainforest in the Amazon: An Ongoing Issue Factsheet Index 1-448 A Level Geography (1 Mark) b) What is feature A? Reasons for management The. Lecture notes - Aqa/cie a level coastal processes 4. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Holderness - A Level Geography Edexcel Revision - Study Rocket You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Management of the coastline is necessary to protect them from coastal erosion. The Isle of Wight has four coastal defence options: The pine forest is a colonies for the red squirrel. the entire coastal zone needs to be managed, the importance of the coastal zone to peoples livelihoods. ERIC - EJ801885 - An Environmental Management Qualification through What is the value of the tropical rainforest? Mangrove roots keep soil in place, which dissipates wave energy and prevents erosion. The Chemu lagoon is not immune to pollution through chemical waste contamination, refuse disposals, and untreated household sewage, and hence has been chosen as a case study. Dredging may affect the local coastal habitats. They are designed to prevent longshore movement of sediment and encourage deposition, creating a broader and higher beach. Coastline management strategies involve hard or soft engineering. Managing the wider coastal zone in terms of people and their economic livelihoods, social and cultural well being, safety from coastal hazards and minimising environmental and ecological impacts. ngela Freitas - Researcher | Centre of Studies in Geography and I should probably buy a mic.Be safe!Miss Nawaz SUNDARBANS CASE STUDY - A-level Geography. The significance of food, water and energy, An overview of global inequalities in the supply and consumption of resources, Carbon footprints, food miles and moves towards local sourcing of food. Why is there a trend towards agribusiness? Winners people who have gained from the decision which have been made either economically (property saved) or environmentally (habitats conserved), or socially (communities). Walton on the Naze - A-Level Geography - Marked by For the last 12 years, I gained extensive experience not only in preparing and submitting scientific project applications to national and european funding as well as in managing and coordinating different research activities (e.g., scientific writing, statistical analysis, case . 5: Tidal barrage in France ( by User:Dani 7C3 ( Licensed by CC BY-SA 3.0 (, Fig.8: Beach grass to stabilise dunes at beaches ( by User:Ellywa ( Licensd by CC BY-SA 3.0 ( In 1896 the Council decided to link the two bays by the construction of a 1200 metre link road to be known as . -Adjusting behaviour to fit the environment. Thinkswap has partnered with Turnitin to ensure students cannot copy directly from our resources. The disadvantages are that erosion at the base of the structure can cause the installation to fail, they are not effective in stormy conditions and can make the beach inaccessible for tourists. Fig. GCSE. What are the air masses that affect the UK? By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Software: eCognition. A Series of Coasts Case studies and Information on Them Terms in this set (26) Why is Coastal Management Needed at Lyme Regis? Allows beaches to build up. Case Study - Geography revision - Weebly The study revealed that . What is the location and importance of London? They break up and dissipate wave energy.
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