The necessary legal structures and protections of equity have developed a complex and jargonistic language, one that is not only hard to understand on its face, but also has become weighted through decades of ideological battles on the right and left. Equitable Development as a Tool to Advance Racial Equity Diversity & Inclusion, Revitalization, Racial Healing and Transformation, Newsletter As some cities rebound from decades of suburbanization and disinvestment, many have hailed the improvements that come with increased public and private investment and higher tax revenues. For example, in a study of over 4,000 older adults in Chicago, researchers found that their experiences with discrimination were associated with increased mortality risk.19 In another study of over 3,500 African American, Mexican American, Puerto Rican, and other Latino youths, researchers found that perceived discrimination is associated with increased odds of asthma and poorer asthma control among black youths.20 Racial discrimination is a stressor that can broadly impact mental health, producing psychological distress,21 vulnerability to poor blood pressure control, exaggerated cardiovascular responses, chronic changes in immune and endocrine systems, and reduced protective resources.22 Research has shown that the stress associated with the stigma of living in a segregated neighborhood can adversely affect mental health.23 Therefore, the evidence shows that populations of color living in cities with higher rates of residential segregation experience poorer mental health outcomes.24. What is Community Development? Design and conduct workshops to train staff of nonprofits, foundations, and government agencies about state-of-the-art community development practices and how to incorporate inclusion and equity into the practices. An attendee asked in the chat box: Can developers make money through equitable development? Neighborhood planning can be much more inclusive. She holds an appointment in the School of Medicines Department of Public Health Sciences. We engage local leaders and residents to turn innovative ideas into practice, share methodologiesand build collective knowledge. What Is Equitable TOD? We offer strategic perspectives, share knowledge and best practices from the field, and provide technical assistance. Recap from the "Homelessness: Local Solutions to a National Crisis" Webinar on 5/19/20. The equity drivers build on the Puget Sound Regional Equity Network's Principles of Equitable Development; local context may in-fluence specific aspects of some of the elements as you work in your own community. Our analysis leads us to conclude that 'equitable resilience' can be defined as a form of human-environmental resilience which takes into account issues of social vulnerability and differentiated access to power, knowledge, and resources. Equitable Community Development Our Equitable Community Development strategy hinges on the insight, experience, and expertise of residents and community-based organizations (CBOs) working to shape their neighborhoods. Equitable community development promotes opportunity and resilience. Provide meaningful professional development and supports. Cultural life and economic well-being are deeply intertwined in low-income communities and communities of color, from successful small entrepreneurs to vibrant commercial corridors. 1. A framework plan envisions the site for as much as 4 million square feet of development to include 2,100 homes, one-third reserved as affordable. Promote local economic development and . Acknowledging that development has a long history of inequity, the group identified Tuesday, December 8th, 2020 5:30 - 7:30 P.M. Martin Luther King Jr. Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, The State of the Nations Housing 2018 (Cambridge, MA: Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University), p. 31. With respect to segregated housing, the focus here is placed on racial rather than economic segregation, notwithstanding the important but distinctive concerns raised by concentrated poverty. William H. Frey, Census Shows Modest Declines in Black-White Segregation (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 2015); D. S. Massey and J. Tannen, A Research Note on Trends in Black Hypersegregation,Demography 52 (3) (2015): 102534, doi:10.1007/s13524-015-0381-6. Community partnerships that incorporate trauma-informed strategies can reduce social isolation, especially for seniors and children, by leveraging technology and supportive housing environments.32 Mercy Housing California partners with a school district and housing authority administrators to provide mental and behavioral health services for children, youth, and their families onsite in public housing settings (for more information, see the article by Hurst and Shoemaker in this issue). 31. It is a practice, moreover, that approaches development by combining local and technical expertise in the decision-making. For example, Chicago has the highest number of homicides nationally. It is based on a robust analysis of community indicators related to area-median income, job access, walkability and more. She is the author of Just Medicine: A Cure for Racial Inequality in American Health Care and numerous articles on public health law and policy. Inclusive economic and community . The second part of this essay explores the theoretical grounding that supports intervening to disrupt the relationship between poor housing and poor mental health. Sharply defined notions of objectively identifiable 'scientific' resilience become much more blurred and messy in these . Click here to watch the recording of the program. Elizabeth A. Pascoe and Laura Smart Richman, Perceived Discrimination and Health: A Meta-Analytic Review, Psychological Bulletin 135 (4) (2009): 53154. 27. Disinvested communities are resilient and inclusive places of opportunity across Philadelphia great places to live, work, visit, do business and raise families. Using a geographic information system (GIS), a spatial analysis tool, researchers have shown that disadvantaged neighborhoods are likely to have more retail outlets that sell alcohol, as well as more residents who are heavy drinkers.25 Policymakers in North Carolina also use spatial analysis to identify disadvantaged communities that put children at high risk for lead contamination, a known risk factor for delayed cognitive and behavioral development.26 Violence, another risk factor for poor mental health outcomes, is a prevalent risk factor in cities where poor and predominantly African American populations live. Sustainable community initiatives and efforts to meet the needs of underserved populations need not be mutually exclusive. Traditional planning efforts fail to acknowledge the role of anchoring communities . The Third National Survey of Childrens Exposure to Violence found that over half of the 4,000 children surveyed had been exposed to one or more types of violence. Working With WFF to Improve Inclusion in Northwest Arkansas, Partnership to design and facilitate a learning process among the FRBB, MAPC, and GARE, Deepening Organizational Effectiveness for CCP Strategic Advising, Evaluating the power of peer engagement and capacity building to drive investments in economic mobility with a racial equity lens, Using investment vehicles and community power to ensure housing and commercial developments further equity, Assessing the needs of people experiencing barriers to employment, Understanding Gaps in Post-Disaster Service Coordination for Children and Families, Achieving Equity through an Intergenerational Leadership Model Project, Using Research to Improve Measurement and Tracking of City-Based Revitalization Initiatives. By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from ULI Colorado. The Urban Land Conservancys (ULC) Erin Clark showed images of Vina, a new 150-unit affordable apartment building in Globeville, one of Denvers poorest neighborhoods. A Review of the LiteratureWorld Medical & Health Policy8 (2) (2016): 13956. Equitable economic development empowers low income communities, immigrant communities, and communities of color in accessing good jobs and stable neighborhoods. If planned with community support and involvement, though, the new transit lines will enable Austinites to benefit from the economic growth and opportunities in the years to come. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. In future programs, ULI Colorado will explore these issues in depth while diving into case studies of how to plan, design, finance and build equitable development. From 2015 to 2016, Matthew was a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellow in Washington, DC. Mental Health: Culture, Race, and Ethnicity: A Supplement to Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General (Chapter 1. Learn more about our partners and work in West Philadelphia. Neeta Thakur et al.,Perceived Discrimination Associated with Asthma and Related Outcomes in Minority Youth Chest, Journal 151 (4) (2017): 80412. Social equity can be an explicit or implied objective of CFM ( Wong et al., 2020 ). They are able to build on their strengths and have strong and diverse networks to maximize their capacity and achieve greater impact. And we want to support all of you in the field, in building a shared understanding of how climate risk will impact the community development sector. Learn About our Process The 7 System Elements What is BECDD? To do development in the public interest, they still need to make money on the deal. In 2013, Matthew cofounded the Colorado Health Equity Project, a medical-legal partnership that removed legal barriers to good health for low-income clients. In the Beloved Community, caring and compassion drive political policies that support the worldwide elimination of poverty and hunger from all forms of bigotry and violence [I]t is a goal that can be accomplished with courage and determination and through education and training if enough people are willing to make the necessary commitment. 1. Prentiss Dantzler, Assistant Professor of Urban Studies for Georgia State University, discussed housing policy levers for supporting equitable development. Introduction). In this report, JFF summarizes what they've been learning from their work in communities about the relationship between inclusion, economic growth, and development and offer an overview of what they've learned to date. 3. Unfortunately, the research shows that there are large gaps in opportunity, influenced by how people look, where they were born and where they live. The team at One Region Forward is united, though, around the belief that this should not be the case, and future posts will unpack how we got to where we are and what we can collectively to do live into the vision of an equitable community. He called for greater efforts to promote community engagement, and to expand the model of Community Land Trusts (CLTs) that stabilize land costs while increasing the value of properties around them, helping communities of color build wealth. 1-800-321-5011, Phone: Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Ensure that equitable community development addresses the social determinants of health beyond affordable housing and economic development Bridge growth and equitable opportunity with a long-term commitment, or resources and time, with community partners Our Projects See 18. Today, the Colorado Venture Capital Authority (VCA), and the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) announced that the VCA has partnered with New Community Transformation Fund-Denver (NCTF-Denver) to expand more equitable access to venture capital for Colorado entrepreneurs and startup businesses. (Dr. Gary Evans et al. The White House on Wednesday held an event to recognize hundreds of organizations including more than 30 community colleges and five community and technical college systems that have committed to supporting equitable workforce development following the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), which will need a skilled workforce to carry out an array of ambitious projects. The mediators for this association range from low self-esteem and stigma to anxiety about structural hazards, fear of crime, and lack of control.15 Of course, the fact that substandard housing is often found in low-income neighborhoods also means that these harms are disproportionately visited on the most underrepresented and disadvantaged populations. A household that spends more than this is considered burdened, and when a family spends more than 50 percent of its income on housing, the household is severely burdened.8 The evidence that unaffordability is an important housing risk factor for poor mental health suggests at least three pathways linking unaffordable housing to mental health disparities.9 First, the prevalence of mental illness among those experiencing homelessness is well-documented, as is the overrepresentation of African Americans within this community.10 Second, the pressure on household finances that unaffordable housing imposes can adversely impact even adults and children who are housed, but it especially harms those who live at or near poverty levels. So where do we go from here? Receive the latest email updates on events, research, and more! Community-based forest management (CFM) is one model of natural resources management often proffered as a means of promoting sustainable forest management, while supporting equitable livelihoods and benefits in local communities. 33. Three of those characteristics occur more frequently in low-income communities and communities of color, thus contributing to inequitable disparities. A range of housing and neighborhood characteristics are associated with negative affect, psychological distress, and psychiatric disorders. More examples may be found in Barbara Brown Wilsons book, Resilience for All: Striving for Equity Through Community-Driven Design. When? 16. 10. . In contrast, health equity is the ethical concept that describes the absence of unfair and unjust health disparities. Community Science, as a subcontractor to BCT Partners, conducted a survey of local employers, focus groups with providers, Community Science is authoring commissioned paper on the current environment for the coordinated delivery of post-disaster human services for children and familiesparticularly services provided by the Administration of Children and Families. LISC works alongsidecommunities (united by shared places, identities or values) who have been challenged by disinvestment andcelebrate the unique character and culture of these communities and build upon them. It brings opportunity and services to bear on behalf of residents and businesses in a defined neighborhood. Advancing equitable community change depends on understanding racial, social, spatial, economic, and environmental systems and their biases while, at the same time, developing innovative solutions to seemingly intractable social problems. It will outline our neighborhood's priorities, goals, and values. Introducing the program, ULI Colorado chair Mike Zoellner of ZF Capital highlighted ULI Colorados new DEI Action Plan, created through focus groups that included diverse real estate professionals, the executive committee, and graduates of ULIs Real Estate Diversity Initiative (REDI). Building more homes does not ensure equitable outcomes, Dantzler said, but he argued that Denvers 77 percent single-family zoning excludes many by both race and class. Equitable Development Around Transit, or EDAT, describes a series of projects from the City of Raleigh. S. Newman and C. S. Holupka, Housing Affordability and Childrens Cognitive Achievement, Health Affairs 35 (11) (2016): 209299. What is Equitable Development. What is Equitable Economic Development? Yes, but is it worthwhile because we are also recognizing that real estate is not just the general capitalistic thinking of We buy low, sell high.. by getting it right. The participatory framework for the community planning process guides the community to get from where it is to where it wants to go Tiffany Yip et al., Racial Discrimination and Psychological Distress: The Impact of Ethnic Identity and Age Among Immigrant and United StatesBorn Asian Adults, Developmental Psychology 44 (3) (2008):787800. In an "equitable community," everyone is included in the full benefits of society. Mayors play a crucial role in helping people attain the education and skills necessary to enter the workforce and climb the economic ladder. Equity is having an ownership of the vision and having an ownership of how things happen.. Traditionally, measures of economic well-being have focused on fiscal health. The role of the community is to provide a physical, emotional, and cognitive environment conducive to development and learning for each child. While many American cities are thriving today, they are also home to rising levels of economic inequality, driven in part by the difficulty non-college-educated workers face in securing family-sustaining jobs. The concept of community ownership [5] itself is simple: A defined "community" purchases property, determines the ownership model that fits it needs, and shares in the risks and benefits of. Laia Mitchell, Senior Program Officer, Community Development The year 2021 was both a time of reflection, with a robust strategic planning process, and a year of action, as Gates staff worked to respond to the evolving impacts of the COVID pandemic, income inequality, and a growing affordable housing crisis in Colorado.Increasing drought, wildfires, and a transitioning energy economy are also . Multifamily housing projects on the South Side of Chicago are affecting the lives of underserved residents through a neighborhood redevelopment process that includes services to address the impact of toxic stress due to poverty and violence throughout the Woodlawn Neighborhood. 8. Empirical evidence has shown that inequitable housing conditions produce health disparities.1 More specifically, a robust body of evidence confirms that poor housing and inequitable neighborhood conditions adversely affect mental health outcomes.2 For example, empirical evidence shows that multi-dwelling housing, compared with single dwellings, is associated with poor psychological health generally, but low-income children and children of color experience these disparities disproportionately. The Bioregional Center addresses efforts to support the long-term development and livelihood of low-income communities with a focus on strategies for building individual and community capacity by enhancing social, physical, political, cultural, and economic assets. Due August 31, 2022. Evaluate national and local initiatives intended to build and strengthen communities, organize communities, shift power, and advance equity and social justice. And in the context of community development, we want to ensure that all people are prepared for climate related risks, so they can fully participate in the economy. World Health Organization (WHO) and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Social Determinants of Mental Health (Geneva, Switzerland: WHO; Lisbon, Portugal: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2014). He said, We need to force market-actors to intentionally engage communities.. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Erin Clark, Vice Presidentof Master Site Development for the Urban Land Conservancy, explained the Community Benefits Agreement between ULC and the surrounding community for their project at 48th & Race. At the same time he warned against such practices as predatory real estate purchases in gentrifying neighborhoods and the commodification of homes as investments. A free breakfast will be offered to participants at the beginning of the forum. One application of ecosocial theory explains how built environments, which are socially constructed, can be thoughtfully and intentionally reconstructed to reconfigure access to resources and opportunities so that all community residents can enjoy the advantages of access. 29. The stress associated with unaffordable housing goes beyond general financial hardship. Were asking them to do more, were putting in goals for environmental sustainability, affordable housing, job creation, and really trying to dig in with communities to see what can help impact them in a positive way, economically and socially. It is equitable when community members can decide on and take action together. : N. Cytron, Ties That Bind: Income Inequality and Income Segregation, Community Investments 23 (2) (2011). Mark Falcone reflected on how the world has evolved since Continuum was founded in 1997 with equity as a core value. Haroun Cowens said equitable development outcomes can result when local youth are engaged to determine a neighborhood's future. There, residents collaborate with partners to run a faith-based center for family development called I AM ABLE. The center is located in a central neighborhood where residents meet regularly and have access to a broad network of services that address the impacts of trauma and violence by screening for and supporting needsfrom finance to romancethrough an intervention called TR4IM (the Trauma Response, Recovery, Reduction, and Removal Intervention Movement).33 In all three of these examples, community development means much more than expanding buildings and spaces; it serves as an indispensable tool for addressing complex urban problems through meaningful collaboration. Moving Upstream to Promote Mental Health: The Role of Community Development, The Mental Health Imperative: Learning from History and Innovating Forward, Catalyzing Community Action for Mental Health and Wellbeing, Widening Our Health Lens: Incorporating Trauma-Informed Practice into Affordable Housing, Arts, Culture, and Community Mental Health, Community Development and Accountable Communities for Health: New Opportunities for Mental Health Promotion, Mental Health, Climate Change, and Community Development: Strengthening Core Capabilities to Promote Community Resilience, Building a Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Health Community of Solution in Rural Colorado, 2022 Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Dayna Bowen Matthew, University of Virginia, Mental Health: Culture, Race, and Ethnicity: A Supplement to Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General, New Evidence Regarding Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Mental Health: Policy Implications,, Who Can Afford to Live in a Home? It aims to develop small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through the ASEAN Blueprint for SME Development. 6. Hence, it is important to have an approach that would incorporate both economic and social benefits into investment decisions. Equitable Community Engagement Practices Equitable Community Engagement practices require evidence that local community members most affected, especially low-wealth people, people of color, neighborhood groups, community organizations, people living with disabilities, and new immigrants are involved in the development project. Our focus is on the systemic and environmental inequities experienced by historically marginalized people due to their race and ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, disability, and other attributes. M. M. Jones, Does Race Matter in Addressing Homelessness? It will blend of apartments permanently affordable to 30 percent, 50 percent and 80 percent of Area Median Income (AMI). Community partners for the program included Associated General Contractors of Colorado, the CU Real Estate Center, Colorado Construction and Design Magazine, and the Denver Regional Council of Governments. Cf. Finalized in October, the plan includes commitments to highlight equitable development best practices in more programs, expand REDI, and actively recruit people of color to participate in ULI Colorado. Stabilizing the land costs under a 99-year ground lease, ULC attracted a private partner to develop the project. The event was planned by ULI Colorados Explorer Committee chaired by Bill Mahar of Norris Design and Michele Raftery of 4240 Architecture. The equity stakeholders committee, with decades of experience in community, non-profit, government and business turned away from language that has the potential to divide. C. S. Aneshensel and C. A. Sucoff, The Neighborhood Context of Adolescent Mental Health, Journal of Health and Social Behavior 37 (4) (1996): 293310. We serve as a sounding board for CBOs and mission-aligned entities as they design and deliver solutions in their communities. Equitable Development In Action. 19. The Advisory Board is representative of the communities and people that the City aspires to serve through its Equitable Development Implementation Plan [.] Equitable Development Planning - Joint Center for Housing Studies The somewhat clumsily titled (*cough* HUD requirement *cough*), To help guide and inform this project, Make Communities and the, Buffalo Niagara will be an equitable community. Mark Marshall, Vice President of Real Estate for the Urban Land Conservancy, moderated one of ULI Colorados most diverse panels yet. Dont have an account? Mental health equity would mean that no population group would be forced to bear a disproportionate burden of disability and illness, or the hopelessness of being excluded from receiving the benefit of medical and scientific advances available to others to treat mental illness.4 Thus, a goal of community development is to achieve health equity by eliminating systematic disparities in access to community-level social determinants between more and less advantaged groups.5 Decent, stable housing, both at the individual and community level, is a social determinant of health that research indicates is key to eliminating mental health disparities.6 Moreover, the association between mental health disparities and the community conditions in which people live are also the subject of robust and compelling empirical literature. 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