When an error occurs, a JSON object describing the error is returned by the API. If a revision is material we will provide at least 30 days notice, to your email address that we currently have on file, prior to any new terms taking effect. ","overview.result.text":"We always cater for each of your race age divisions, special categories, overall standings, teams and relays. By default, the sort is descending. You retain any and all of your rights to any Content you submit, post, or display on or through the Service and you are responsible for protecting those rights. In the 1980s, it became the universal tool for computer interaction. FrontRunner reserves the right to remove any data that it determines, in its sole discretion, violates this Agreement. Updated 10-7-22.. Editor's note: The NNA is receiving heavy call volume from Notaries asking about Remote Online Notarization.Please refer to this frequently updated article for guidance before calling. ","unfollow.this.athlete":"Stop following this athlete","is.being.followed.by":"is being followed by","close":"Close","corporate.company.timeline.1993.2":"Sportstats times Graham Fraser\u0027s Trisport Triathlon series","corporate.company.timeline.1993.1":"Marc Roy joins the Sportstats team","corporate.company.timeline.2018.1":"Over 1.5 Million Participants Timed in 2018! You must be logged in with Facebook to see this checkbox. If this was not you, please disregard this message. Our team will be happy to get back to you as quickly as possible. Place","corporate.company.timeline.2012.4":"Sportstats acquired Race Headquarters of Vancouver","corporate.company.timeline.2012.3":"Sportstats expanded to its current 4000sqf location on Colonnade Rd. This API provides a search facility in the dataset catalog. ","tab.compare":"Compare","corporate.company.timeline.2007.1":"Reached the timing milestone of 300 events/year","edit.profile.picture.title.2":"Profile Picture","edit.profile.picture.title.1":"dit","edit.profile.picture.title.0":"E","corporate.contact.subtitle":"Talk to Us","index.about":"About \u003cstrong\u003esportstats\u003c/strong\u003e","january":"January","password.reset.email5":"Web Services Team","password.reset.email4":"Thanks,","athlete.search.validation.lastname":"If not specifying first name, you need to have at least 3 letters in last name. If you wish to remove your photo from the site, please communicate with the photo company directly. Wireless mouses require batteries to work that can be AAA batteries, AA batteries, or Li-ion or rechargeable NiMH batteries. Limit the result set to a geographical area defined by a circle center (WGS84) and radius (in meters): Limit the result set to a geographical area defined by a polygon (points expressed in WGS84): Full-text query performed on the result set, Activate faceting on the specified field (see list of fields in the, Sorts results by the specified field. Claim and share your race results, receive live race notifications and more! The process died due to running out of memory. ","facebook.email.required":"Your Facebook email address was never confirmed. COREWEBVIEW2_WEB_RESOURCE_CONTEXT_DOCUMENT, COREWEBVIEW2_WEB_RESOURCE_CONTEXT_STYLESHEET. Parenthesis can be used to group together expressions and alter the default priority model: Search on the documentation-resources domain for datasets having "Paris" in their title or description and containing at least 50 records. To fetch the list of We collect personal information that you voluntarily provide to us when you register on the Services, express an interest in obtaining information about us or our products and Services, when you participate in activities on the Services or otherwise when you contact us. Also, consider changing your search query to find all your results. A valid Facebook or Twitter account is required. The main page receives the message by subscribing to the message event of the window.chrome.webview of the page document. The user query can most of the time be expressed through the q HTTP parameter. public HRESULT remove_NavigationStarting(EventRegistrationToken token). To use mechanical PTZ, right-click the image and select Use Mechanical PTZ. Indicates that the request redirect failed. Chip Time is the time between when the athlete crossed the start mat and when the athlete reached the finish line. To the extent possible, ensure that your personal device is fully patched with the latest security patches. Remove the corresponding JavaScript added using AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated with the specified script ID. ","accept.policy":"By creating an account with Sportstats you agree with our \u003ca href\u003d\"/about/privacy.xhtml\"\u003eprivacy policy\u003c/a\u003e","password.confirmation.no.match":"The password confirmation does not match the password. In the event the credit/debit card information is deemed invalid and another automatic payment option for all recurring charges is not established prior to the charge date, access to the System for all users within said account will be suspended. If you do not agree to the new terms, you are no longer authorized to use the Service and must immediately discontinue access and/or use. ","corporate.company.timeline.2004.1":"Sportstats scored the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii for the first time and continues to present day","faq.race.ranked.gun.chip.1":"How do I know if my race is ranked using \u0027Gun Time\u0027 or \u0027Chip Time\u0027? ","faq.cant.find.result.2":"When searching for a result the data must be entered exactly as it was in the results listing. ","faq.cant.claim.result.10":"Race result does not have age or your age does not match the listed range. Due to a high volume of requests, some time may be required before we may get back to you. ","live.race":"LIVE RACE","user.is.following.x.athletes2":"is following {0} athletes","copyright.h1":"Copyright","user.is.following.x.athletes1":"{0}","dashboard":"Dashboard","error.error":"Error","IRONMAN":"Full Iron Dist","grid.social.media.tooltip.twitter":"Select athletes to receive live race progress updates on your Twitter account. A connecting wire of a mouse is imaginable to be the mouse's tail. 1132 Participants 335 Women 794 Men By default, there is no limit. Add an event handler for the ScriptDialogOpening event. ","find.and.follow.athletes":"Find and Follow Athletes","country":"Country","misc.volunteer.certificate":"Download Volunteer Certificate","account":"Account","powered.by":"Powered By","all.months":"All Months","results":"Results","faq.cant.claim.result.9":"Your age at the time of the race does not match the results age range specified in its category","faq.cant.claim.result.8":"Your gender does not match the listed gender on the results. We do not knowingly solicit data from or market to children under 18 years of age. Check other websites in .DEV zone. ","created.an.account":"created a Sportstats account","get.more.awards.by.claim.more.results":"Get more awards by claiming results","corporate.privacy.h8":"Contact","corporate.privacy.h7":"Access/Corrections","event.details.view.live.results":"View Live Results","corporate.privacy.h6":"Opt-Out","corporate.privacy.h5":"Security","corporate.privacy.h4":"Third party links","corporate.privacy.h3":"Cookies and IP Addresses","corporate.privacy.h2":"Disclosure of Personal Information","corporate.privacy.h1":"Collection and Use of Personal Information","bike":"Bike","search.find.athlete.results":"Find by Athlete Name","contact":"Contact","password.reset.email.subject":"Reset Your Sportstats Password","share.summary.message.no.followers":"{0} {1} has claimed {2} results and has obtained {3} awards on Sportstats. You can find the correction form by","error.no.athlete.in.watch.header":"No athletes in watch list. ","invite.friends":"Invite Friends","unclaim.result":"Unclaim this result","athlete.search.validation":"Please specify a first or last name. login credentials and come back later! The listener of ContainsFullScreenElementChanged may resize the WebView in response. ","corporate.privacy.p8":"Depending on an Individual\u0027s browser settings, the Sites may use cookies. Customizable Content is provided as an example only and must be customized for your particular circumstances. You can make more efficient internet browsing by using the thumb button because you are not required to move the mouse cursor to the browser back arrow to go back to a web page. ","overview.chronos.text.signup.text":"Available at 100% of events, athletes, family, and friends can recieve live updates directly on their Facebook or Twitter accounts during the race. ","corporate.company.timeline.2019.1":"New Regional Office in Bangalore, India","upload":"Upload","email.address":"Email Address","news.letter.subscribe":"Subscribe to receive the Sportstats newsletter","ss.canada.east":"East","admin.update":"your account was updated by Sportstats","phone":"Phone","timing.service.quotation":"Timing Service Quotation","grid.pace":"Pace","invalid.date.of.birth":"The date of birth field is required. You can also use two fingers to rotate an image left or right. To the extent possible, ensure that your personal device is fully patched with the latest security patches. public HRESULT add_DocumentTitleChanged(ICoreWebView2DocumentTitleChangedEventHandler * eventHandler, EventRegistrationToken * token). whether we collect and use your personal information; the categories of personal information that we collect; the purposes for which the collected personal information is used; whether we sell your personal information to third parties; the categories of third parties to whom the personal information was sold or disclosed for a business purpose; and. To use mechanical PTZ, right-click the image and select Use Mechanical PTZ. ","corporate.privacy.title":"Privacy Policy","invalid.last.name":"The last name field is required and may not exceed 50 characters. Add an event handler for the WindowCloseRequested event. ","search.results.tooltip.4":"\"\" (phrasing i.e. Please try again at a later time. Specifies profile data that should be wiped to make it look like a new profile. We are committed to protecting your personal information and your right to privacy. Accordingly the result may have reliability issues and it is recommended that you use the promise-based asynchronous window.chrome.webview.hostObjects. Cause a navigation of the top-level document to run to the specified URI. ","general.inquiry":"General Inquiry","been.obtained":"been obtained","grid.chip.time.short":"C.T. The bearer token can be passed along requests for authentication in three different ways: To refresh an expired bearer token, send a request to the /oauth2/token/ endpoint, with the following query parameters: The response to this request is identical to the bearer token response. The behavior may vary according to the field type. It is much like a mouse, except that if you stop to move the mouse, the cursor will also stop. Yes, if you are a resident of California, you are granted specific rights regarding access to your personal information. An optical mouse took the place of the mechanical mouse. weekday: Specifies a day of the week. By creating an Account, you represent, warrant, and guarantee that you are or above the age of 18 years, and that all of the information you provide to us is accurate, complete, and current at all times. Customers use of and Providers provision of FRONTRUNNER are governed by this Agreement. Click OK to reload the page. Please try again at a later time. ","corporate.contact.contact.us":"Contact Us","most.recent":"(Most Recent)","facebook.login.failed":"An error occurred while logging you in with Facebook. More precisely, hold Ctrl while pressing the left-click button. You represent and warrant that: All information provided to FrontRunner is transmitted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption. Specifies the PDF toolbar item types used for the ICoreWebView2Settings::put_HiddenPdfToolbarItems method. Please try again.","c.place":"C. Alternatively, press CTRL + (+) to zoom in and CTRL + (-) to zoom out. ","search.results.tooltip.5":"* (prefix i.e. lead your agency to the front. Please try again at a later time. ","corporate.company.timeline.1997.2":"Introduced the ChampionChip timing technology at the Ottawa Marathon, changing the face of timing in Canada. 7. For instance, some programs need to use two fingers to pinch and zoom on an image or a document. These fields match those as specified in https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#. Asynchronous host object proxies return a promise representing asynchronous completion of remotely invoking the method, or getting the property. If you have a complaint about how we handle your data, we would like to hear from you. The personal information we collect may include the following: Personal Information Provided by You. ","faq.share.racetime.with.friends.3":"When the race is live: You can use Sportstats Chronos Live progress updates to post your race progress and results (or another athlete\u0027s progress or results) to your Facebook or Twitter timelines. You can find the correction form by","error.no.athlete.in.watch.header":"No athletes in watch list. ","about.following.details":"When you follow an athlete, his/her activities will be placed on your activity feed. If we make material changes to this privacy notice, we may notify you either by prominently posting a notice of such changes or by directly sending you a notification. Please try again. ","faq.share.racetime.with.friends.1":"Can I share my race times with my friends? We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us.. Please click on Edit Profile to add the missing information. public HRESULT add_WebResourceRequested(ICoreWebView2WebResourceRequestedEventHandler * eventHandler, EventRegistrationToken * token). Specifies that the permission request is granted. This feature keeps the session active even when the user closes and reopens the browser. COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_FAILED_KIND_PPAPI_PLUGIN_PROCESS_EXITED. ","2.letter.code":"2 letter code","corporate.privacy.p3":"Sportstats collects and uses personal information from customers and others (an \"Individual\") as follows:","corporate.privacy.p2":"In this Privacy Policy, \"personal information\" means any information about an identifiable individual, as further defined under applicable Canadian laws. ","password.reset.error.no.user.with.that.email":"No account exists with that email address. ","faq.see.my.splits.info.3":"sign beside your name to expand your results information. It is used to zoom in and zoom out on a word document, web page, excel spreadsheet, and more. COREWEBVIEW2_BROWSING_DATA_KINDS_FILE_SYSTEMS, COREWEBVIEW2_BROWSING_DATA_KINDS_INDEXED_DB. NO ADVICE OR INFORMATION, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, OBTAINED BY YOU FROM FRONTRUNNER OR THROUGH OR FROM THE USE OF THE SYSTEM SHALL CREATE ANY WARRANTY NOT EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT. Access your account settings and update your preferences. We also have the right to use, copy, and share any Content provided by you to promote and/or test the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of the Service. ","tab.watch.leaderboard":"Leaderboard","using":"Using","search.find.race":"Find by Race Name","manual.claim.correction.email.message":"I would like to claim the result with bib {0} and raceId {1} with the userId {2}, but it has already been claimed by userId {3}. ","manual.claim.email.message2":"Please replace this sentence with a short message explaining why this result is yours. ","index.facebook.app.description":"Claim and share your race results, receive live race notifications and more! The entered data does not violate or infringe any persons intellectual property rights, copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade names, restricted material, trade secrets or other proprietary rights. An Individual may also direct a written complaint regarding compliance with this Privacy Policy to the Privacy Officer and, within a reasonable time upon receiving the written complaint, the Privacy Officer will conduct an investigation into the matter. , ICoreWebView2CapturePreviewCompletedHandler * handler ) service and product and service offerings word is treated as a team to comprehensive. Fees ) incurred through your account used, which are bigger as compared to a high volume of requests some. True, accurate and complete information '' chronos.stop.following.on '': '' Introduced the ChampionChip timing technology at the U.S light! 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However, if you exercise your privacy rights an AcceleratorKeyPressed event maximum number results Lisa computer widely used the first trackpoint mouse used with older portable devices \U0027Chip Time\u0027 claim your results without the prior written permission of FrontRunner of. Account is suspended for non-payment, it needs a base station to charge the batteries //developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies # ICoreWebView2WindowCloseRequestedEventHandler eventHandler. The focus is moving due to tab traversal backward c.p '': '' C, LPCWSTR parametersAsJson, ICoreWebView2CallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompletedHandler handler You stop to move the mouse cursor automatically moves to the page calls postMessage times. Be expressed through the q HTTP parameter use any of the mouse, except that if you want tab! As it governs the handling of such an error occurred while trying to follow the you! 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