And while Americans remain, on average, much more devout than Europeans, there are demographic and regional pockets in this country that resemble Europe in their religious beliefs and practices. Thank you for joining us. We are all subject to this relentless climate change, rising seas, the greenhouse gases and so on. The lectures, which began in 2008, "brings a distinguished scholar to campus each year for a public talk of relevance to both scholars of religion and the general public," according to the Department of Religious Studies website. In a meeting with the U.S Ambassador to the Republic of IndiaTimothy J. Roemer, theDalai Lamaurged the U.S to engage China on climate change inTibet. Gaia would like it., Yes. In Israel,secular Jewshave formed numerous governmental andnon-governmental organizationsto protect nature and reduce pollution. He believes that, in a democracy, if you keep calmly and rationally and sympathetically making your case, the great majority can come to think you are making more sense than the true believers. How can we, as an interfaith community build upon the momentum and also the opportunity of Pope Francis' upcoming encyclical on human ecology? We need to reinhabit that space of sacrifice, which actually means to make holy. The good news about religious greens, Lovelock says, is that they can be led. But let me conclude by saying we're at a moment when we're searching for renewable energies of all kinds around the planet. I really have two questions, and they somewhat connect. Once accepted as necessary, socialist legislation will ensure that all individuals will work collectively toward ecological goals. And I was particularly interested in your comment about educating the next generation because that's where my question is. by Lindsay Maizland Why are the other people continuously almost frothing around the mouth? And always saying, No, no, no, it has to be cut carbon emissions and that has to be the biggest problem in the world., I think thats the way to counter much of this discussion. Keywords: religious fundamentalism, liberalism, religious environmentalism, traditional religions, devotion to God, spiritual truth, political action, prayer, ritual, modern society. We really appreciate your spending the hour with us. We've already been getting calls for the media, which is why we have a frequently asked questions now up on our forum Web site. For if environmental matters really have become matters of faith if environmentalism has become a new front in the longstanding culture wars then what place is left for the crucial function of pragmatic, democratic decision-making? That's why I think Pope Francis, frankly from Argentina will have that particular blend that we so need of eco-justice. The organizations objectives are to generate a center for Islamic research that will also serve as a location with which to gather and experiment with new sustainable technologies. Of course, many of them have to be updated because so much has happened in each of these traditions. Environmentalism, as a religion of hope and respect for nature, is here to stay. From these conferences, Tucker and Grim would form The Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology. And I think if we identified that and if we work, as many of you do already, in relief services and education and aid overseas and so on, if we can build trust I think we have further grounds for saying the religions can be a positive contributing agency on the environment and development issues. It's a way to make the personal-political statement. Survival required knowing how to relate to food species like bison and fish, dangerous predators like bears, and powerful geological forces like volcanoes and the rise of agriculture required expertise in the seasonal cycles upon which the sustenance of civilization depends. Francis is almost everyones favorite saint and the gentle compassion of his encompassing vision is, viewed selectively, susceptible to almost any argument or mood. Foot soldiers, is the short answer, says Lugo. They did, however, characterize much modern environmentalism as "religion" because, citing Laurence Siegal, environmentalism makes "claims not backed by evidence," urges "self-denying behavior to assert goodness," and focuses on "the supposed end of times." Eat and drink, but do not waste. Islam. One idea he discusses is retrofitting every commercial airliner on earth to allow them, as they fly, each to spray a ton or two of sulfuric acid into the stratosphere every day for the foreseeable future. The ancient Greeks began a systematic philosophical observation of flora and fauna; from their work grew the long study of natural history. In the years ahead, we will see whether the supposedly scientific debates over the environment can really be conducted by fact and reason alone, or whether necessary change, whatever that may turn out be, will require some new Reformation. There is no altering the creation of Allah. As a marker of identity that transcends national borders, religion influences many environmentally relevant behaviors. In her new book, Religion and Environmentalism: Exploring the Issues, Dr. Stone explores religious traditions from around the world and their involvement in environmentalism to provide a global perspective and highlight the connections, similarities, and collaborations among all of the world's different religious traditions. Our evolution of intelligence is something of immense value to the planet. And maybe like a greenstate (ph) symbol or something for consumer products. The concept of humanity having Khilafah or guardianship over the planet means that many Muslims believe that we should not exploit natural resources. But they also were doing movements on the ground; activism, new rituals, new prayers and so on. March 24, 2020, Chinas Repression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang, Backgrounder And this has come of age just as of last year, in some ways, as a marker. As you know, he chose his name after Francis of Assisi, and he has been speaking for some time about the challenges we're facing that bring together the poor, social justice and the degradation of the environment. I was going to mention, after 10 years of doing regenerative strategies on three continents we're proposing a mobilization of outreach between the western congregations and the most climate change-affected communities in the tropical belt for restoration and regeneration. How do we open that up to something that says they could be an incredible partner on this, and this is how we might be able to do some work with them? She is also senior lecturer and research scholar at Yale, where she teaches in a joint masters program between the University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and the Divinity School. We believe this one. Thanks very much for your work. Ecotheologies loosely based on concepts lifted from Hinduism or Buddhism have become popular in some Baby Boomer circles. And I would say Todd Stern, or chief climate negotiator, who came to Yale in the fall and gave a remarkable talk, actually, and said climate change is a moral issue. My question has to do with how do we -- you mention the United Nations. And in the 15 years that I've been going to China, it's hard to describe what has happened. You know, "sacrifice" is a word that people don't like to use. He speaks of Creation care and cites the Bible in hopes of appealing to evangelicals. Again, that was "star-1". Many of those making the case that environmentalism has become a religion throw around the word religion as a pejorative. Having studied and written about environmentalism and its relationship with religion for over 30 years, I hoped the article would explain how and why religion . A third, more obscure camp, argued that while Whites theory was indeed correct, this was actually a benefit to society, and that thinning the populations of weaker plant and animal species via environmental destruction would lead to theevolutionof stronger, more productive creatures. For churches with aging congregations, green issues reportedly help attract new, younger members to the pews. It simply means that my argument is a lot more dangerous. Let me give you a final example. My sense is that in virtually any area, you have probably 10 percent true believers that you just cannot reach. But humanity assumed it, for they are truly wrongful to themselves and ignorant of the consequences, All living beings roaming the earth and winged birds soaring in the sky are communities like yourselves., One of the primary figures of the religion and environmentalism movement, Iranian Muslim philosopher Seyyed Hossein Nasr, details the theme of mans total disharmony with his environment. Nasr believes that to overcome the environmental crisis there needs to be a recognition that the whole of nature is descended from higher spiritual realms. According to Nasr, the desacralization of the West has led to the increase of ideology promoting dominion over the earth and its resources, which is contrary to Islamic thinking. But it's very hard to represent religions that are not as hierarchical as something like the Catholic Church. So in this period of '95 to'98, John Grim, my husband and I did this series, as many of you know, at Harvard to try and pick up on that energy and to try and explore and investigate what are the resources of the world's religions, the Abrahamic traditions of the West, the Asian traditions of India and China and Japan and Southeast Asia, and the indigenous traditions. One of the things Thomas Berry used to say is, we need principles, and strategies and tactics. I look at humans as probably having an evolutionary desire to have ideology, to justify their actions. InJudaism, the natural world plays a central role inJewish law, literature, and liturgical and other practices. We are the only publication of our kind, dedicated to exploring science and technology as a cultural project one that might elevate our humanity or degrade it. But my sense is that most people are not in that direction. The Quran refers to living beings as communities like yourselvesSome scholars have said that this entails that other living beings have rights. a holy dayEarth Day; October 28, 2022. White believed that science and technology could not solve the ecological problems they had created; our anthropocentric Christian heritage is too deeply ingrained. Islam and the Environment: Pluralism and Development 3. And of the panels over the three or four days, a third of them were on the environment and religion, climate change, and ethics and so on. Environmentalism has its belief and faith but in a . If you would like to ask a question or if you have a comment, please press the "star" key followed by the "1" key on your touch-tone phone now. And I think those are the 80 percent you want to reach. How does one preach about this issue of climate change, when in the U.S. and North America it's been so contested? The website for that is, and it really is a network and a place for religions to be in dialogue with other disciplines to seek solutions to both global and local environmental problems. Muslim Environmentalism as Religious Practice: Accounts of the Unseen 7. Also, of course, the price of oil is going down so it's going to be easier to divest, and so on. The worldwide community of environmentalists most of whom are not scientists holds the moral high ground, and is guiding human societies toward a hopeful future. So the spirit of these Harvard conferences was very much a sense of theory and practice. You know, it's not as if we have a decade even to turn things around. Thats the idea behind the leap of faith or the leap to faith, in Kierkegaards original formulation: the act of believing in something without, or in spite of, empirical evidence. I'm interested where we can tune for expressly neo-Confucian and new Confucian experiments in eco eco-social, the eco-social reinvention of the human, so to speak. Whites essay stimulated a flurry of responses, ranging from defenses ofChristianityto qualified admissions to complete agreement with his analysis. But 10,000 of those have been attended by as (ph) most likely religious leaders and laity. Lomborg is the Danish author of The Skeptical Environmentalist (published in English in 2001), and the director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center. January 31, 2022, A Guide to Global COVID-19 Vaccine Efforts, Backgrounder To better understand the future of climate policy, we must understand where ecotheology has come from and where it is likely to lead. The contrast between the two is that religious is the faith and belief in God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Recent scholarship on the field of religion and ecology can be found in the peer-reviewed academic journalWorldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecologyand in reference works such as the encyclopediaThe Spirit of Sustainability. Survival (current) The Lost Ways 2. One of the things, if we go back to principles, is starting to identify what what do we want to really uphold. And then we have leaders like Katharine Jefferts Schori of the Episcopal Church here in the U.S. And I think you're quite right, you know, mitigation and adaptation of climate change are still themselves being contested. So I applaud the language that you're using. And one of the contradictions I've experienced in myself is air travel and, you know, choosing to travel by air even after I know the science on climate change. As climatologist Gavin Schmidt jokes, there is a simple way to produce a perfect model of our climate that will predict the weather with 100 percent accuracy: first, start with a universe that is exactly like ours; then wait 14 billion years. If I was just a crazy guy ranting outside the religious gathering, then it might not matter. Even if no major realignment takes place, the bond between evangelicals and the right might be loosened somewhat. Lovelock and Lomberg, prophet and heretic, honored and reviled, one hoping for action today and the other expecting solutions tomorrow yet each professes confidence in an eventual democratic endorsement of his plan. These angelical environmental networks have been extremely active in Katharine Hayhoe, a scientist and an evangelical herself, has been outspoken on these issues of care for creation. Dr. Tucker is the author or editor of numerous volumes on religious environmentalism, and most recently she completed a new overview of the field with John Grim entitled Ecology and Religion. Environmentalism or environmental rights is a broad philosophy, ideology, and social movement regarding concerns for environmental protection and improvement of the health of the environment, particularly as the measure for this health seeks to incorporate the impact of changes to the environment on humans, animals, plants and non-living matter. Even if global warming is true, the attempts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by attacking carbon-based energy will not in the long run do much for slowing global emissions, even as they damage the worlds economies and retard the economic development that can improve the material well-being of billions of people. Gores primary assumption is that Western culture is dysfunctional, because our civilizations rules require suppressing the emotions that might allow us to feel the absence of our connection to the earth the sense of awe and reverence that used to be present in our relationship to nature, and the natural harmony that entails the music of life. The cause of the loss of the old Golden Age harmony with nature is the modern Iron Ages technological hubris and technological alchemy, which have driven an increasingly aggressive encroachment into the natural world and created the froth and frenzy of industrial civilization.. And these are people who have to deal with this day in and day out. My topic is the important and unprecedented phenomenon of religious environmentalism. That may be a stretch, but it does seem that this new religion has its share of excommunicated heretics. FASKIANOS: Thank you. But to have our children who are standing for climate change I'm thinking of the Climate Silence group to tell them and to suggest that they that the statement is that they fly to talk about this, maybe it's not that. Even though no new set of basic values will displace those of Christianity, perhaps Christianity itself can be reconceived. Denmark and Sweden float along like small, content, durable dinghies of secular life, where most people are nonreligious and dont worship Jesus or Vishnu, dont revere sacred texts, dont pray, and dont give much credence to the essential dogmas of the worlds great faiths, observes Phil Zuckerman in his 2008 book Society without God. So it's a very primal thing that this is about. That's it's been great. Religion and environmentalismis an emerging interdisciplinary subfield in the academic disciplines ofreligious studies, religious ethics, thesociology of religion, andtheologyamongst others, withenvironmentalism and ecological principles as a primary focus. So I think that's an excellent suggestion. Although the pull of social issues has made the right seem like a natural home for evangelicals, a commitment to environmentalism might lead them to align themselves more with the left. There was a conference at Union Seminary, two hundred religious leaders came. Meanwhile, the Judeo-Christian teachings about the natural world begin with the beginning: there is but one God, which means that there is a knowable order to nature; He created man in His image, which gives man an elevated place in that order; and He gave man mastery over the natural world: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Religious Environmentalism. But you are so right and I'd love to hear more about your work, you know, in terms of food security and stability. Selling indulgences is out of fashion these days. So how to go beyond sustainability to regeneration with generativity and inherently religious imperative, and to really create any kind of mobilization that that we're able to. But the 80 percent are people who are busy living their lives, loving their kids, and making other plans. October 28, 2022, What to Know About the Arab Citizens of Israel, Backgrounder Thats because the degradation of the environment in the Third World is a consequence of poverty, underdevelopment, and autocratic governments, not the economic globalization many critics of technology and capitalism blame for global warming. How do we think strategically about what's going to be most additive at what time, and where do we go to find that answer. And it certainly is the case, contrary to most people's impression, that Confucianism has amazing resources or situating the human in what they would call the "Trinity" or the "triad" of Heaven, Earth and human. It has become the religion of choice for urban atheists, according to Michael Crichton, the late science fiction writer (and climate change skeptic). He has organized sixty monasteries across the whole Himalayan region to be environmentally concerned, connected and teaching their lay people. The conferences concluded at the United Nations and at the American Museum of Natural History with more than 1,000 people in attendance. And John Brian is a great narrator, of course. Now thanks in no small part to Lovelocks lobbying, at least in his own account the great majority of Britons favor nuclear energy. There's a very interesting new graduate program being offered in the U.K. actually, a full-funded PhD scholarship on the impact of meat consumption and the idea of animals as resources. Exactly. Indeed, the evidence for it is overwhelming, and there are powerful reasons to believe that humans are causing it. Religion and Ecology. RELIGIOUS ENVIRONMENTALISM: THE CHURCH'S ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY PARADIGM (THE CASE OF THE CHURCH OF PENTECOST IN GHANA. WCC, of course, is a very effective organization, as well. It's going to be very invitational, I think. It's something that is individual as well as local and global. More than a million Muslims have been arbitrarily detained in Chinas Xinjiang region. So why do so many people want to burn you at the stake? Theologians now speak routinely of stewardship a doctrine of human responsibility for the natural world that unites interpretations of Biblical passages with contemporary teachings about social justice. You know, again, on our Forum on Religion and Ecology Web site there's an ecumenical Lenten carbon fast, which picks up on your point. Many evangelicals are rankled by environmentalists critique of the Genesis depiction of mans place in the natural order. So that the changes that are ahead of us are now on the tips of our tongues, in the centers of our minds, and are bursting from our hearts because everyone knows and everyone on this conference call, I suspect, knows the urgency of the changes that you are calling for. Getting your head around climate change is difficult for adults and students in higher education. The two faces of religious environmentalism the greening of mainstream religion and the rise of carbon Calvinism may each transform the political and policy debate over climate change. What the world needs is young heretics.. Taoism offers many ideas that are in line with environmentalism, such as wu wei, moderation, compassion and Taoist animism. As a reminder, today's call is on the record and the audio will be available on our website. What can religion offer? Some of this church policy is relatively recent and may not be followed by some parishioners. TUCKER: Thank you. Most people will willingly comply because the supposed alternative is doom. Some of the most bizarre policies were coming out of these countries with respect to metals. So Mary Evelyn, thank you very much for joining us today. The church first placedsolar panelson a church meetinghouse in theTuamotu Islandsin 2007. You know, let's de-dam, which is happening in the Pacific Northwest, too. The bad news is that the empirical approach arose in no small part to mitigate the dangers of zeal to keep blood from flowing in the streets. That theology and engagement had to go together. Verses of the Quran linked to environmental protection: He is the One Who has placed you as successors [Khalifa] on earth so He may test you with what He has given you., O Children of Adam! I want to ask one question. . [circular definition] While environmentalism . with John Kerry Main article:Judaism and environmentalism. Despite Darwin, we are not, in our hearts, part of the natural process. It generates its own set of moral values.. Majorities in most European countries have told Gallup pollsters in the last few years that religion does not occupy an important place in their lives. Maybe even a radical leftist. So, for instance, the Sixties radical Murray Bookchin saw the way environmentalism was hooking up with New Age spirituality as pathetic. by James McBride and Anshu Siripurapu You often hear environmentalists saying that one should do this or the other thing like not fly because not doing it can save the planet. An article in the New Scientist suggests that the problem with obesity is the additional carbon load it imposes on the environment; others that a major social cost of divorce is the additional carbon burden resulting from splitting up families. Allenby, writing in a 2008 article on, continues: A recent study from the Swedish Ministry of Sustainable Development argues that males have a disproportionately larger impact on global warming (women cause considerably fewer carbon dioxide emissions than men and thus considerably less climate change). But the term Creation care had not sunk in (89 percent of the respondents who identified themselves as Christian said they had never heard of it). Kaza explored the connections to be made between environmental studies and the practices and teachings of Buddhism. My sense is that most people do want to do good, he says. In some denominations, programs for recycling or carpooling seem as common as food drives. We did a conference there on the Yamuna in 2012, bringing together scientists and religious leaders. And Neuhaus makes the case that White misunderstands his own nominee for an ecological patron saint: What is underemphasized by White and others, and what was so impressive in Francis, is the unremitting focus on the glory of the Creator. And they don't know how to move past this problematic dimension of religion. One could see Greenpeacers as crusaders, with the industrialist cast as the infidel, writes Richard North in New Scientist. In the 1960s, a British chemist working with the American space program had a flash of insight. You know, there's, I think, great lobbyists in the religious communities down in Washington. Because clearly, as consumers we can make a difference. So that is the marker of how far we've come: the explosion of books, the syllabi, the teaching, the engaged projects on the ground and the statements. Pradesh, India protection, during the religious communities doing superb and relentless work against dogs. Particular that you are going to China that religion might hold some solutions to destructive! A network of continuing conversation of moral values.. Freeman Dyson, the remedy must also be essentially religious the You know, for nuclear power to be environmentally religious environmentalism, connected teaching And not to Mother nature beings are to preserve it and look it His social thoughts in that environmental sustainability and social midst of an energy revolution have the of! 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