students should email the Office of the Registrar ([email protected]) no earlier than the last week in April to request admission. Educational Policy. Whether or not students seek to serve as a University Counsel, all need to understand the laws underpinning the fundamental freedom of expression. The Negotiation Seminar is an intensive, skills-based class that emphasizes the ability to think and write analytically about the process of negotiating. Students are required to spend at least one hour per week working with an emergent reader. States are the laboratories of democracy Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said, and contemporary theories of localism argue that policy change can be driven by innovation at the municipal level. Evening division students should reach out to practicum faculty to discuss orientation schedule conflicts. This course will examine America's programs for health care access and finance, including employment-based private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and VA. During orientation law students will participate in lesson plans that they will use in their own classes and learn about the student-centered teaching methodology. They will grapple with the fundamental question of why segregation exists and the role of law in creating and responding to segregation. The seminar will meet for five sessions spread over two weekends. Topics to be covered include: equity in access to education and the disparate, adverse effects of educational policy choices - especially those made in response to the pandemic - on students who belong to groups historically denied or afforded only limited access to educational opportunity; the purposes of public education and the balance between the rights of parents and family to control the education experience, on the one hand, and the authority of the state to ensure that the purposes of public education are achieved, on the other; and students rights to freedom of expression and the tension between those rights and the need for school administrators to maintain a safe learning environment.Access to a quality education will be examined by analyzing disputes arising at every stage of the education process, from issues regarding practices that may engender a school-to-prison pipeline to ongoing debates over race-conscious policies, K-12 teacher tenure, school sports, the unmet needs of English language learners, the misuse of the special education system, the impact of the burgeoning charter school movement, and the implementation of the new federal "Every Student Succeeds" Act. Students may propose and arrange their own placements; these must be approved by Professor Edelman. ORIENTATION: There is a four-day interactive orientation from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., dates to be announced, where law students will experience the student-centered teaching methodology they will use in their own classes. Specifically, the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) guarantees access to an education that prepares them for employment and independent living. OVERVIEW: Street Law is a project-based practicum where Georgetown Law students teach practical law courses at DC public high schools. Name Note: This course is restricted to J.D. Topics will include common law; state, regional, and local planning; zoning; environmental controls; growth management; historic preservation; restrictions relating to residential development; and constitutional limits on land use regulation. Page 1 of 125. Emphasis will be placed on the ethical rules and guidelines that bind the advocate. LAW326v00 Non-Profit Organizations Seminar. Draft Policy on Rural Education. Recommended: Prior or concurrent enrollment in a professional responsibility course. Please see theStreet Law websiteand this video for more information. More specifically, the aims are. Spread the love. Enrolled students will have until the beginning of the second class session to request a drop by contacting the Office of the Registrar; a student who no longer wishes to remain enrolled after the second class session begins will not be permitted to drop the class but may request a withdrawal from an academic advisor in the Office of Academic Affairs. They will receive their section assignment from the professors. Note: NOTE: In the Fall 2021 semester, this course will take place online via Zoom. Mutually Excluded Courses: Students cannot receive credit for this course andNon-Profit Organizations. applicants and prospective students can hear exclusive admissions tips on how to enhance your application to the extremely competitive Master of Legal Studies Program. LAW131v02 Disability Discrimination Law. We examine learning theories and practices regarding emergent literacy and discuss their legal, educational, and social implications. Prerequisite: Completion of all first year courses, except Property and Criminal Justice (or the equivalent Democracy and Coercion or Criminal Procedure), is required. We will cover myriad topics including but not limited to -- value creation, value distribution, principal-agent tension, dealing with difficult tactics, advanced listening, and facilitating difficult conversations. Educational law helps to establish funding sources for schools and guide how they develop curricula, which maintains standards for student learning. Please see the Federal Legislation Clinic website for more detailed information about the program. The course covers the distinctions between public and private colleges and universities, religion and higher education, accessibility to and financing of higher education, academic freedom, shared governance, admissions, free expression, privacy and freedom of association, campus safety with a particular focus on sexual assault, and issues of race, disability, gender and sexual orientation. The goals of educational policy have evolved in the United States as society and culture have changed, and are continually being debated and revised. Grades will be determined by the quality of class participation, assignments that reflect the preparation for and post-negotiation reflections on negotiation role plays, and a final paper assignment. in International Business and Economic Law, LL.M. Note: The course will not focus on biomedical ethics, medical malpractice, or pharmaceutical regulation. Whether law has aided or impeded the cause of civil rights in the past and the extent to which law can help to resolve racial issues in the present and future are questions of considerable controversy. Policies are objectives that an organization or a government sets for itself to achieve in a given period of time, and laws are the tools that help a government achieve these objectives. Students will spend much of their time participating in negotiation exercises and simulations from a variety of practice areas. Note: NOTE FOR THE SUMMER 2021 SECTION: The professor will teach this course virtually via Zoom. Upperclass Legal Writing Requirement. This seminar is an interactive workshop designed to teach the practice and principles of joint problem-solving and to improve students' negotiating skills. Download. 1. PhD in Law: Online and Campus-Based Programs. The course will examine the role of governors and mayors as policymakers, and how horizontal federalism serves as a driver of national policy in areas including civil rights, immigration and climate change. This course examines the legal issues that shape higher education, particularly in the United States. If students complete their fieldwork hours for this practicum entirely in one semester, they may be eligible to enroll in a clinic for the other semester. This seminar is an interactive workshop designed to teach the practice and principles of joint problem-solving and to improve students' negotiating skills. Students will be expected to read, write, discuss, critique, and participate in simulated disputes. Since these are quite serious and can have a lasting impact on your child's education and future prospects, parents who feel their child has been unfairly disciplined may consider suing the district. Attendance at all sessions as well as participation in the virtual negotiation outside of class time is required to fulfill class requirements and students must attend the first class to be enrolled. It can include issues such as funding and creation of schools. The instructional methods are subject to change to accommodate Georgetown Law and DC Public Schools COVID policy. in National and Global Health Law, J.D./LL.M. Students taking the course for 3 credits, who will write a significant research paper, will have the opportunity to develop their skills in legal research and writing as applied to a particular issue and will present their papers at the final class meeting. We will cover the scope of employee rights to engage in union activities; employee rights to engage in concerted activities even in the absence of a union; the National Labor Relations Board procedures for elections and unfair labor practice charges; the collective bargaining process; the duties of successor employers; strikes and lockouts; grievance and arbitration procedures; and a unions duty of fair representation. Develop an in-depth knowledge of the practice and principles of negotiation, Recognize the settings in which it is appropriate to use negotiation (litigation, transactional, etc), Become an effective advocate as a principal party negotiating on your own behalf, as a lawyer negotiating on behalf of a client, as well as a member of a negotiation team, Prepare a client to negotiate and to understand the differences between the clients role in negotiation vs litigation, Understand the proper preparation to negotiate and plan strategy, Acquire proficiency in necessary communication skills, Master the principles and benefits of interest-based bargaining, Learn to identify each partys interests, creating value to meet them, and alternatives if negotiation is unsuccessful, Understand the effect of cultural considerations on negotiation behavior, Identify and use the ethical rules and guidelines for advocates in negotiations, Midterm Negotiation/Self-Critique Paper (1-2 pages) (20%). We explore the variety of learning approaches that now inform literacy instruction in America. For registration-specific supplemental materials, please see theRacial Equity in Education Law & Policy Clinic PDF. Each state has its own Constitution, its own court system, and its own legislative process. Schools must adhere to local, state and federal education laws. What speech is protected and what speech is deemed to be hateful? Law student instructors have the primary responsibility for the instruction and grading of their students. All high school classes will be taught in person. We will require preparation of readings, simulations (including one simulation of approximately four hours between the two weekend classes), and written assignments. The course will also stress the effect that slavery had on the original Constitution and the Reconstruction Amendments. Students will be expected to read, write, discuss, critique, and participate in simulated disputes, both in and outside of class. Prerequisite: Students must complete the required first-year program prior to enrolling in this course (part-time and interdivisional transfer students may enroll prior to completing Criminal Justice, Property, or their first-year elective). Street Law instructors help the local community better understand the law, identify how it impacts them, and develop legal and analytical skills. This class will examine the development of education law and policy. . While a law is framed for bringing justice to the society, a policy is framed for achieving certain goals.". Education law primarily deals with topics in: Many 4-year universities with law degree programs offer courses in education law. Well then turn to the idea of a right to health care, then to the roles of markets and government in making care available and containing medical costs. Note for Professor Barnett's Fall section: As a way to understand the structure of current doctrines, Professor Barnetts course will stress how and why the doctrines evolved from the Founding through the Civil War, Reconstruction, the Progressive Era, the New Deal, the Warren and Rehnquist Courts to the Roberts Court today. We have included courses that emphasize these skills in the list on the right side of the page. Interested LL.M. Grades will be based on class participation including discussions and simulations (25%), the quality of the student's 7-page journal involving two simulations of the student's choice (including analysis, application of theory and principles, self-reflection, style, and organization) (25%), and a 14-page client negotiation advocacy memorandum on a topic of a student's choice which demonstrates mastery and analysis of negotiation theory, practice and principles (50%). It will also include reading and analyzing major immigration cases like INS v. Cardoza-Fonseca, 480 U.S. 421 (1987) (well-founded fear) and Matter of Kasinga, 21 I&N Dec. 357 (BIA 1996) (female genital mutilation). Seminar - 3 hours. Information and translations of Education policy in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Over time, the following have all been goals of public education: We have tried to identify some core education law and policy courses as well as additional courses that students with an interest in this area might consider. The seminar is highly interactive, therefore to obtain credit for the course attendance at every class session is mandatory. Enrolled students must be in attendance at the start of the first class session in order to remain enrolled. Students will be expected to read, write, discuss, critique, and participate in simulated disputes, both in and outside of class. But unfortunately, mobile phones and social media sites have proven to be powerful weapons for school bullies. Students may not concurrently enroll in this clinic and an externship or a practicum course. FindLaw makes it easy to find the right attorney for you!Search our attorney lists by location and topic. J.D. The law governing access to health care has been in flux and in legal dispute in recent years. The course also will challenge students to explore the tension between the historical movement toward greater local home rule and the modern trend to regional solutions. Assess a situation and determine whether it is in their or their client's best interests to negotiate. Furthermore, there are also state and federal education policies implemented which meant to govern . This course looks to correct that omission. Simulations are taken from a variety of practice areas. Note: J.D. The course will cover most of the seminal "race" cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. These laws may include standardized testing, minimum credit hours, required subjects of study, etc. All rights reserved. Law students help their students prepare for a complicated criminal or civil trial. Program Course Overview. Mutually Excluded Courses: Students may not receive credit for this seminar and Religious Liberty on Trial Seminar. This course will examine the response of law to racial issues in a variety of legal contexts. The class should help you improve your ability to prepare for a negotiation, to engage others in joint problem-solving and decision-making, and to diagnose what is going wrong and what to do differently when negotiations break down. Seminar (cross-listed) | 3 credit hours. Note: This simulation course is open to LL.M. Prerequisite: Completion of all first-year courses, except Property. The paper requirements of the 2 credit section will not fulfill the J.D. ENROLLMENT INFORMATION:Students enroll in this course via MyAccess. By the end of the course, participants who complete all assignments, reflect on the course activities, and participate in class discussions, will be able to do the following things: Prerequisite: Contracts (or Bargain, Exchange, and Liability). Lawyers could see average employment growth of about four percent from 2019 to 2029 with strong competition expected for most positions, noted the BLS. The Education Act 2002 - Section 175 of the Act sets out the safeguarding duty of state schools and colleges (for independent schools, safeguarding is covered by the Education . Students will often be in the position of the college or universitys general counsel, or other members of the administration, having to articulate the standards that apply to the institution, making or recommending decisions in particular cases, or formulate campus policy. Unauthorized migration will also be examined to understand why some migrants do not use the legal route into the U.S. and what laws and policies the U.S. has in place to deter such unlawful movements at the border and control unlawful presence in the interior. Simulations are taken from a variety of practice areas, including community, commercial, environmental, interpersonal, litigation, and transactional disputes. Educational Policy. Full-time Day Division students will be able to add or waitlist this course beginning at a later date (Date TBA). Ethics refers to the discipline of dealing with what is good and bad with moral duty and obligation. This seminar is an interactive workshop designed to teach the practice and principles of joint problem-solving, to improve students negotiating skills and to provide instruction in representing clients in mediations. This multidisciplinary survey course explores significant recent developments in K-12 public and private education law, policy, and practice. Yet, in America today, racial minorities continue to experience social and economic disadvantages, and race relations remain strained in many respects. Recent debates have focused on racial bias, discrimination and disadvantage, but have largely ignored the effects of law in the racial inequality context. Note: ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY AT ALL CLASS SESSIONS. Grades will be based on class participation (including the virtual negotiation), the quality of a 7-page journal on two class simulations of the students choice (including analysis, application of theory and principles, self-reflection, style, and organization), and a 13-page formal Client Negotiation Advocacy Memo on a topic of the students choice demonstrating the student's ability to apply to a real-life scenario the concepts, practices and principles presented in the class. students only. All enrolled students must attend each class session in its entirety. Because participation in the simulations is central to the course, attendance at all classes is required. Because of the Tenth Amendment, most education policy is decided at the state and local levels. 01 October 1998. The seminar is intensive (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for six sessions, spread over two weekends, plus a time to be scheduled by each student between the two weekends for videotaping and reviewing one negotiation). COVID-19 has put a spotlight on our medical care systems shortcomings, as well as the social inequities that shape Americans health and well-being. Learn more about FindLaws newsletters, including our terms of use and privacy policy. Finally, the course will enable students to exercise and develop skills of particular relevance to state and local decision-making: statutory interpretation, working effectively in groups, and understanding the dynamics and procedural context of state and local government proceedings. State Board of Education Rules. Attendance at this orientation is mandatory for students who did not already take the fall semester Street Law: Criminal Justice and Human Rights practicum. We will focus on the use of negotiation in making deals and in resolving disputes. students should email the Registrar's Office ([email protected]) to request admission. The simulations and activities are designed to familiarize students with the negotiating process, help them prepare for entering and conducting a formal negotiation, teach them to identify and engage in the types of informal negotiations that occur every day, allow them to experiment with various styles and techniques, and introduce a variety of practical and ethical problems that they might encounter. What is the Average Entry-Level Salary for Business Law Graduates? In this seminar, we use childrens literature and participatory methodology to explore the relationships between law and literacy simultaneously as we bring to the surface fundamental principles of law, justice, and democracy. National Education Policy Act No. We will closely examine the role of the Justice Departments Immigration Courts, with special attention to access to justice issues. Participants will spend much of their time in a series of negotiation exercises and simulations, where, as negotiators and critical observers, they will become more aware of their own negotiation behavior and learn to analyze what works well, what does not, and why. LAW1397v00 Street Law: Criminal Justice and Human Rights We will cover the distinctions between public and private colleges and universities, religion and free expression, and the relationship among free expression, academic freedom, shared governance, and freedom of association. The application of ethics in education is essential for students as well as teachers. The McCourt school offers several education policy courses. An additional packet of readings will also be required for the course. The simulations are designed to familiarize students with the negotiating process, to plan and prepare for negotiations (both bi-lateral and multi-lateral), to identify and experiment with individual negotiating styles, to deal with impasse and difficult situations, and to raise ethical and practical questions.