Examine this statement with close reference to the short story, Sandra Street by Michael Anthony. Answers (1). Read the passage below and answer all the questions that follow.Society has the obligation to provide young people with the right knowledge and skills to become productive workers, good parents and responsible citizens, according a World Bank Report, Development and the Next Generation. This man, Nils Krogstad, is the person from whom Nora has borrowed her money. (got rid of0, Explain the meaning of the following idiomatic expressions. But, look here; your father has dated his signature the 2nd of October. Answers (1), Replace the words in brackets with a phrasal verb that has the same meaning as the underlined ..i. The short story: Longhorn (Ed): When the sun goes down and other stories from African and Beyond. We can borrow until then. She also realizes that, as Torvalds wife, she has lived more of a childs life than an adults. Hush! Is that it?Mrs Linde: Nils, a woman who has once sold herself for anothers sake doesnt do it a second time.Krogstad: I will ask for my letter back.Mrs Linde: No, no.Krogstad: Yes, of course I will. Read the extract below from DOLLS HOUSE and answer the questions that follow.Mrs. What does Krogstad reveal about the bond used to secure the loan? Because Nora lied when she borrowed money from Krogstad, she must continue lying to repay the money. (c) The Helmer's house is small and represents the children. b) Identify three styles that are used in the excerpt. My sons are growing up; for their sake I must try and win back as much respect as I can in the town. (a) Briefly explain what happens before the events in this extract. Not so long ago, this country suffered crippling power rationing regime for more than six months, seriously hampering economic growth. Mrs. Linde: Shocking? When Nora is rather vague about how she obtained the money for the trip, saying merely that her father helped her, Mrs Linde thinks Nora received the money from her father, Nora. He is the biologiocal father of Nora Grey , and Marcie Millar . (ii) When we camped in the Maasai Plains, we felt like strangers in the new environment. Nora: Just now. Nora leaves her family at the end of the play because she realizes that she does not know her own mind or have her own opinions and values. 1 How did Nora save her husband from his serious illness? I had to do something; and, honestly, I dont think Ive been one of the worst. It requires two basic types of skills: thinking skills and behavioral skills. b) In this excerpt, though Helmer and Nora are discussing about Krogstad, they are indirectly referring to Noras predicament. He threatens her once more and then leaves. Answer. I should not know who they were. Linde: Well I think that was lucky for you, my dear Nora.Nora :No, it would never have come into my head to ask Doctor Rank. Rather, she has been scrimping and saving to pay off a secret debt. Nora: Well, haven't I been paying it off regularly? In the play A Doll's House, by Henrik Ibsen, Nora Helmer commits the crime of forgery. (ii) This brilliance is utter. Explain.c) so my obstinate little woman is obliged to get someone to her rescue? View More English Questions and Answers | Return to Questions Index, Read the passage below and answer all the questions that follow.Society has the obligation to provide young people with the right knowledge and skills to become productive workers, good parents and responsible citizens, according a World Bank Report, Development and the Next Generation. And it would out me in a horribly disagreeable position-Krogstad: Only disagreeable?Nora: (Impetuously) well, do it, then! Did Nora really love Torvald? 'True beauty lies in our natural environment.' What is ti you would so much like to say if Torvald could hear you? There is need to develop a sense of collective responsibility. What does Nora prefer to have on Christmas? (Add a question tag).g) What is the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt? Why did Nora not tell her husband about Torvald? Nora signed her dad's name because she as a girl was not allowed to have a loan. She did not want her husband to worry her sick father. Torvald's life was saved by Nora's decision to forge her father's signature and take out an illegal loan. Why did Nora leave her husband in the end? Years ago, when her husband became ill, Nora forged her father's signature to receive a loan that . Mrs. Linde. Nora: Yes: Krogstad: Tell me, Mrs Helmer, can you remember what day your father died? Rank: What, macaroons? You are going to have a big salary and earn lots and lots of money. And, as that is so, there is discrepancy (taking a paper from his pocket) which I cannot account for. Nora: Well, haven't I been paying it off regularly? At the time her father passed away, her husband was also very ill. The answer, purely and simply, is because she loved him. The foregoing demonstrates the integral role of Early Childhood and Primary and Secondary cycle plays in crating the foundation for higher education in tertiary and Universality education. Who is revealed to be sick and in love with Nora helmer? (d) What is Mrs. Lindes view about Doctor Rank and Noras relationship? Nora Helmer once secretly borrowed a large sum of money so that her husband could recuperate from a serious illness. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. How did Nora Helmer save her husbands life? Krogstad: And you naturally did so at once, because five or six days afterwards you brought me the bond with your father's signature. e) What character traits of Nora and Mrs Linde are brought out in the excerpt? How dreadfully sad that must be. (ii) The dog barked __________ to the stranger. Nora is portrayed as a doll throughout the play until she realizes the truth about the world she lives in, and cuts herself free. It is then revealed that she forged her father's signature Quick Answer: Who signed the loan note for Nora? Press F11 Select menu option View > Enter Fullscreen for full-screen mode. Nora's father would force his beliefs on her and she would comply with them lest she upset him; she would bury her personal belief under Papa's. According to Nora, Torvald was guilty of the same things. (i) We need to buy a radio. Nora borrowed the money because according to the doctor torvald needed to be in a different place because he was going to die and she wanted to save torvalds life. Do you remember that? To save her husbands life. e)What halted the reclaiming of the Mau Complex? And it is through education that the young develops their ability to be productive workers, good parents and responsible citizens, World Development Report, 2007, authored by World Bank notes The report says that effective investments need to happen during childhood and adolescence for it to bear fruits. Sometimes one has a tiny little bit of influence, I should hope. Nora takes the allowance that Helmer gives her and uses half to spend on herself, the children, Helmer, the house etc. Mrs. Linde: Your husband? Don't say such horrible things. Accordingly I will ask the Monkeys to water the garden for me, so that I can be off to enjoy myself and the holiday with the rest.' She borrowed the money from Krogstad. c) But 'Norah, Nora' is not so silly as you think. Nora: Papa died on the 29th of September. And it is through education that the young develops their ability to be productive workers, good parents and responsible citizens, World Development Report, 2007, authored by World Bank notes.The report says that effective investments need to happen during childhood and adolescence for it to bear fruits. How can you think of such a thing? Mention four things that he/she may have failed to do before and during the interview. What right have you to question me, Mr.Krogstad?You, one of my husbands subordinates! But, Mr. Krogstad, I have no influence.Krogstad. The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. You couldn't know that Torvald had forbidden them. ii. (i) I am indebted ______________ him for the help he gave me. f) From elsewhere in the play, explain why Nora had to hide the macaroons and wipe her mouth when, Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow.Helmer: I have got authority from the retiring manager to undertake the necessary changes in the staff and in the re-arrangement of the work and I must make use of the Christmas week for that, so as to have everything in order for the New Year, Nora. Hush! by any chance on what day of Krostand: That is correct; I have ascertained it for myself. I don't know Krogstand: The discrepancy consists, Mrs. Helmer, in fact that your father signed this bond three days after his death. The researchers have noted with great concern that several boreholes in the region have dried up and water volume in several rivers has rapidly reduced as a result of clearing of trees in the Mau forest. My position is this. She signs her father's signature to a loan document, although her father has passed away. I, for one, want no such sour-looking king! 3. Behavioral skills include such traits as perseverance, self-discipline, teamwork, the ability to negotiate risks.The report also still highlights the enduring role of what it terms basic skills which is literacy and numeracy-ability to read, write and count. She badly needed the money to take her husband to Italy on medical grounds as recommended by the doctor. This man, Nils Krogstad, is the person from whom Nora has borrowed her money. (i) Mr. Charo amused the children by reciting nursery rhyms. (NORA is silent) Can you explain it to me? Linde: Ones husband , yes.Nora : Nonsense! g)What should the government do to address the environmental problems? DiscrepancyIII. A Newsletter of Ministry of Education. She also realizes that, as Torvalds wife, she has lived more of a childs life than an adults. To achieve this, the education system must promote a teaching method that leads to high learning achievement and blends the academic and vocational curricular. A Newsletter of Ministry of Education. Read the excerpt below from dolls house and answer the questions that follow. 7 Dec. 2012)a) According to the passage what is the role of the society in the development of an individual?b) In what ways can an education system attain the demands of the job market? But there is one thing I can do in my case and I shall do it at once.Mrs Linde: (listening) You must be quick and go! High quality education develops learners with superior conceptual, analytical and critical skills skills that condition the learner to be curious,. Why does Nora forged her father's signature? (Whos suggestion is this). Nora: It's something I should dearly love to say. The quality of higher education is as good as the primary and secondary education. Why does Krogstad say he would ask for his letter back? (a) The Helmer's children symbolised dolls. e) What is the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt? Privately, Nora had borrowed a loan to save her sick husbands life. Explain the meaning of the following idiomatic expressions. But, bah! Helmer: Yes, he has just gone. Mrs. Linde: You too? Tell me frankly. Rank: Well, why can't you say it? Havent you? What do you mean by that? A lawyer at the bank Helmer works at. Linde:Yes, as a matter of course.Nora : And can tear it into a hundred thousand pieces and burn it up- the nasty dirtypaper.Mrs. Identify three of Torvald's nicknames for Nora that show a traditional view of women. Why did Nora forge her father's signature? But since you ask, you shall know. Apart from that, influential transporters ferry truckloads of charcoal and the precious sandalwood under the noses of the police. In order to help her husband, Nora forged her father's signature onto a loan to pay for a trip to Italy, which Nora claims was to save her husband's life (Ibsen, Act 1). Krogstad, a morally diseased man who works for Torvald, also uses Nora to gain a higher position at work. Then you must give plenty of water to those which have long, deep roots, but less to those with short roots. i. Nora has two reasons, or motivations, for committing this crime. In the sentences below, give the nouns that are used as adjectives. Helmer: Yes, after the New Year; but then it will be a whole quarter before the salary is due. Her father. This post in the Bank was like the first step up for meand now your husband is going to kick me downstairs again into the mud.Nora. Whose signature did Nora forge to get a loan? Its our environment, our country, our heritage. But now you must tell me all about it. Fill the blank spaces using the correct form of the verb in brackets. He is to take up his work in the Bank at the New Year, and then he will have a big salary and lots of commissions. Well, of course it can be explained; your father may have forgotten to date his signature, and someone else may have dated it haphazard before they knew of his death. I am not afraid of you any longer. Look at him now while you are all crying that you want him for your king. Much later, as Torvald learns that Nora risked breaking the law by forging her fathers name on the loan so that she could save her husband, Torvald is unforgiving and appalled that she could do such a thing and bring shame to his name. However, the politicization of the compensation claims put forward by large estate owners with the Mau Complex, brought things to a halt. So they pulled up all the trees just as their leader had told them to do and all the young trees died.Questioni. Nora: Yes. So my obstinate little woman is obliged to get someone to come to her rescue.Nora: Yes, Torvald, I cant get along a bit without your help.Helmer: Very well. (g) Then it is because you havent the will; but I have means to compel you. How does Krogstad plan to force Nora to talk to her husband? c) Contrast thinking and behavourial skills d) In not more than 40 words, summarize what is expected of a person who has attained post basic skillse) Explain the relationship between primary and secondary education f) The report says that effective investments need to happen during childhood and adolescence for it to bear fruits, (Rewrite using a conditional) g) How does post secondary education benefit from lower levels of education?h) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage a. Underscoresb. Nora does leave her husband at the end of Act III after she is forced to face his true nature and realizes how selfish he is. I was right in what I thought, then.Nora (walking up and down the stage).