} "Politics is like football; if you see daylight, go through the hole." John F. Kennedy "Political courage is not political suicide." Arnold Schwarzenegger "There is no more independence in politics than there is in jail." Will Rogers "Crime does not pay, as well as politics." Alfred E. Newman "Politics is the skilled use of blunt objects." "Time is a created thing. Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House. var node = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; The extraordinary political apathy that followed Watergate and Vietnam and the institutionalization of grass-roots rebellion among minorities will only deepen. Top Deep Political Quotes. Those who abuse them tear at the fabric of our society and weaken our nation. We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("grsession", "osid.6a55202f04f395bc8f676cfce2eccdc6"); She walked towards the guillotine calmly and with no trace of fear, believing that what she had done was the right thing to do. I have earned everything I have got." 'The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself' Corbis / Getty Images These famous words were part of Franklin Delano Roosevelt 's first inaugural address when the nation was in a depression. Funny Winston Churchill Quotes. Funniest Political Quotes in the history of politics 1. Take any one of them at a venture, and search if you can his most deep-seated instincts; and you will find that, of all governments, he will soonest conceive and most highly value that government whose head he has himself elected, and whose administration he may control. What this country needs is more unemployed politicians. function q(c, r) { Joseph Sobran, That's a deep change in priorities. 'The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself', 'I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Woman', 'Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You', 'Government of the People, by the People, for the People'. 66 . if (isRetina) { I hope to God it'll be a comparatively bloodless Reconstruction this time. The man in the elevator had not thought twice about asking Michael personal questions or about laying a hand on the back of his head. Henry Parry Liddon, We allowed each other a number of "philosospasms" per year; these were episodes of obsessive/compulsive behavior, often involving sexual affairs with students, or periods of deep, intricate despair, or occasionally intense political adventures which made us very vulnerable to the media and the public and caused us great discomfort. It isn't just that I don't believe in God and naturally, hope there is no God! These form one deep river of discontent which, being regularly fed by these sources, keeps on mounting to a head and overflowing its ordinary channels. "You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.". But to this day, I believe he was given the bum's rush by Biden, White House staff, and NSS who harbored deep resentment toward his unyielding advocacy the previous fall of counterinsurgency and a huge troop surge in Afghanistan; who interpreted his public comments back than as "boxing in" the president; and who continued to oppose the strategy approved by the president and the way McChrystal was implementing it. Mencken 2 Copy A politician is a person who can make waves and then make you think he's the only one who can save the ship. "Don't get too deep, it leads to overthinking, and overthinking leads to problems that doesn't even exist in the first place"- Jayson Engay. window.csa("Config", { May 18, 2016 - Explore Guadalupe Machinandiarena's board "Political Quotes" on Pinterest. } else { - Harry Truman Honesty in politics is the result of strength; hypocrisy is the result of weakness. Instead of sensation, A Crime So Monstrous gives us desperately needed insight and analysis. This is an important book, the first deep look into America's confused relationship with human trafficking and slavery today. Our children are our greatest treasure. Paul D. Escott, There is no connection between the political ideas of our educated class and the deep places of the imagination. Here are our favorite short deep quotes. I have deep political instincts. But I repeat myself., It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. All the mistakes I ever made were when I wanted to say no and said yes. function(a9, a, p, s, t, A, g) { From a deep political standpoint, domestic and economic policy is almost always an accessory to be used in the furtherance of some kind of foreign agenda. The West thinks of itself as masculine big guns, big industry, big money so the East is feminine weak, delicate, poor but good at art, and full of inscrutable wisdom the feminine mystique. - Rupi Kaur. In centuries past those on the Left who wished to personalise their hatred of capitalism, who sought to make it emotionally resonant by fastening an envious political passion on to a blameless scapegoat people, embraced anti-Semitism. - Malcolm S. Forbes. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. | About Us 3 Short Quotes. John Fowles, [David] Maraniss sees [Barack] Obama as a man with a moviegoer's or writer's sensibility, where he is both participating and observing himself participating, and views much of the political process as ridiculous or surreal, even as he is deep into it. Doris Kearns Goodwin, Every non-political human grouping of whatever kind, legal, social, religious, economic or other becomes at last political if it creates an opposition deep enough to range men against one another as enemies. Our mission is to jettison those pointless preoccupations and take on once again the primordial cargo of inexhaustible ecstasy. 02. Oppressive practices have deep roots in economic and political arrangements. "//securepubads.g.doubleclick.net/tag/js/gpt.js"; Published Thu, Jun 9 2016 9:47 PM EDT Updated Fri, Jun 10 2016 1:42 AM EDT. | Privacy Policy Just because our political heroes were murdered does not mean that the dream does not still live, buried deep in our broken hearts. //]]>, Inaugural Address Delivered to the University of St Andrews, 2/1/1867, Writings: Autobiography / Notes on the State of Virginia / Public and Private Papers / Addresses / Letters. "A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both." - Dwight Eisenhower "Moral outrage is the most powerful motivating force in politics." - Morton C. Blackwell "To refuse political equality is to rob the ostracized of all self-respect." - Elizabeth Cady Stanton Stephen King, So when you are faced with a decision on the euro, it is not surprising that many people are confused. People take political decisions very personally, and today there is a constant, ongoing attack, with one side or the other being maligned. No amount of political freedom will satisfy the hungry masses. It was the socialism of fools. apstag.init({ Deep Love Quotes For Him. 30 Written Quotes. . Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. 1 Short Quotes. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.. It is what causes men who know that things are going quite wrong to say that things are fundamentally sound. window.Mobvious = {}; But "changing minds" in any deep way always requires changing brains. 6 Short Quotes. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead "seldom think of politics more than 18 hours a day." - Lyndon Johnson "A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country." - Texas Guinan Best George Carlin Quotes of All Time. George Papandreou, Like Richard Ellmann on James Joyce, Arnold Rampersad on Ralph Ellison is in a class of its own. Which was written by the United States Naval Research Laboratory, ironically. - Jaguar D. Saul (One Piece) To true friendship, how long you've known each other means nothing. . stylesheet.rel = "stylesheet"; An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. What was the Enlightenment in its deep structure if not an attempt to translate the ancient rhyme on learning and suffering - mathein pathein - into a collective and species-wide phenomenon? q("f", arguments) In politics, you can recover from anything except looking . Plato Government, Politics, Fool 605 Copy quote A leader takes people where they want to go. Quotes are the rythmical creation of words. Politics without principle. Which is the law of unintended consequences, right there, biting the world in the ass. An order they spilled their blood to defeat. Sren Kierkegaard He who is untrue to his own cause cannot command the respect of others. Class Politics. A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. But world affairs are trivial: there's nothing in the social sciences or history or whatever that is beyond the intellectual capacities of an ordinary fifteen-year-old. So long as this silt keeps on accumulating and so long as this antagonism lasts, it is unnatural to expect this antipathy between Hindus and Muslims to give place to unity. Happens I am very political. - Spinoza (1632 - 77) "Peron had a wise saying. Politics is show business for ugly people. } var stylesheet = document.createElement("link"); Ravi Zacharias, Why didn't the Democrats accomplish more right after the 2006 elections that gave them control of Congress? "A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love." Max Muller "Thinking of you keeps me awake. Or, barring that, to turn out a good thin-crust pizza and a strong glass of beer. Science without humanity. Emily Symons. Hurdles are easy. "CacheDetection.RequestID": "4K559GWRY4Q4HZWXQXD7", q("i", arguments) if (this.auth.status === "not_authorized") { On Heinrich Harrer, In a political struggle, never get personal - else the dagger digs too deep. Copyright 2022 Famous Quotes & Sayings. }); It is a matter of political will and courage. Pablo Francisco. I want my life to be a battle cry, a war zone, an arrow pointed and loosed into the heart of domination: patriarchy, imperialism, industrialization, every system of power and sadism. The opposite is true as well.". url = "https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/mobile/phone_images-9e9093f0cfddba8c2b1e815375d976a3.css"; Ivern Ball 6 Copy //]]> Improve yourself, find your inspiration, share with friends. James Luceno, Barcelona has always been more a city of capital and labor than of nobility and commoners; its democratic roots are old and run very deep. Politics Quotes. Reader, suppose you were an idiot. The term "nattering nabobs of negativism" is used often by politicians to describe the so-called "jackals" of the media who are persistent in writing about their every gaffe and misdeed. Stephen Kinzer, With a few exceptions, conservative Christian political activists are as ineffective as White Russian exiles, drinking tea from samovars in their Paris drawing rooms, plotting the restoration of the monarchy. return false; It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. I'm someone who's bringing nuanced stories from somewhere else that will always be harder to take. Because I could see people, and a number of them died alongside me, who had gained the new emotional insight that hatred and rage, killing and destroying, were not linked to the specific objects if that rage. , My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. g.parentNode.insertBefore(A, g) if (window.csa) { 3 Short Quotes. }, Deep Quotes 1. Being considered as one of the top comedians of all time, George is well known for his black humor, political views, observations on language, psychology, and religion along with many other taboo subjects. Paul Krugman Determine 14 Copy quote B.R. Bertrand Russell To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. Roger Glover. Removing this book will also remove your associated ratings, reviews, and reading sessions. J.J. Abrams, Prejudice against other animals arises from socially promulgated beliefs that reflect a speciesist ideology, created to legitimate economic exploitation or elimination of a competitor. However much one shovels the muck of lawmaking aside, natural justice and the Founders' original intent remain buried too deep to exhume.